aka= as known as
aka= as known as
It stops the heart But I don't need it anymore Still, it's safer with me We need to get going Our German brothers-in-arms continue their victorious advance into Western Europe Fuhrer and Chancellor of the Reich, Adolf Hitler has praised his troops And here's another man with reason to celebrate the composer of "Gloomy Sunday", a wildly successful recording But its magical tones have driven 157 people to suicide in the last The tune's gruesome march across Europe continues And the song has conquered the world New York's smart set has taken to driving their Studebakers into the Hudson, with a portable phonograph on the front seat "Gloomy Sunday" may be bringing death to many But it's brought wealth to one its composer - Hans! It would be better if you called me 'Colonel' in public Pardon me? Colonel, sir Not when we're alone, of course Colonel is for the others I have been looking forward to your beef roll Nobody in Germany makes them like you Sit down. I'll put the order in I know on one is allowed in your sacred kitchen butjust once I must see how my beef roll is made I see the gigolo's still here Laszlo, what is it? "With a last breath I return to my home, safe in the land of the shadows I roam" Promise me that you won't do it Not so long as I have you I'll order for you, Lieutenant Colonel, sir Colonel We'll have two of the meat roll, and a bottle of good red After our meal, We'd like to hear the song, you know which one - Professor, you're leaving already?