aka= as known as
aka= as known as
I thought German honor meant being faithful So much for the deaths-heads But you saw, there are good and bad Maybe A drop of something medicinal would speed the healing Thank you for bringing me home Andras she would have gone home with you today What I've told you is in strict confidence I'm doing it for Laszlo, and for you llona, I love my wife... I would never... you know with another woman But with you, It's not another woman It's an angel I'm not quite sure, but I don't think angels do things like that Are you sure? There are over half a million of us in Hungary Our German brothers-in-arms will be thorough Their attitude is 'apres nous le deluge' Yes, and we know that, so we can say "Gentlemen, apres votre deluge, nous" For argument's sake, say I put the restaurant in your name You make me manager, and apply for a permit which says I'm part of the war effort. Hans will help I'll transfer everything to your name and then nobody coa take it And after they've all conquered themselves to death, we go to the notary and put it all back Exactly after the Flood... Apres le deluge, nous' Good afternoon My name is llona Varnai I have an appointment with Mr. Wieck The Colonel is in a meeting Please take a seat Excuse me, isn't this the Mendel villa? By decree of the Reich, all Budapest Jews must be interned in labor camps But I can guarantee you and your family safe passage to a neutral country Your offer of 600,000 dollars in nothing The factories alone are worth at least 60 million I don't think that demand is in the best interests of your family I'm sorry, but I'll have call Lt. Col. Eichbaum and inform him... that we were unable to reach agreement. It's up to him from there Under these circumstances, Let's sign it then I'm sorry you had to wait A glass of champagne? Hans... Colonel, sir I must thank you for all you've done Yes, yes, enough of that We'd like the beef roll Our Magyar roulade, is an outstanding dish But perhaps you should try something else For example, Istvan has outdone himself with a superb Danbe catfish Very kind, but we'd like the beef roll Colonel, it pains me deeply I'm afraid roulade is unavailable today That's terrible - how will I look now?