爱因斯坦神模式 Einstein's God Model Movie Script



It makes sense mathematically but we don't know any of it.
This is science that is, literally, pushing the envelope.
- It sounds more like philosophy.
- They don't give out Nobel prizes for philosophy.
- Are you implying you've devised an experiment that will prove the existence of superstrings?
- No.
Thomas Edison did.
Tesla did.
So William Crook, J. Gilbert Wright, William O'Neil.
They all did.
Every person that has worked on this since the 1920's, did.
But, no one made the connection until Meiselhoff.
- Connection to what?
- M-theory.
- 'M' for Meiselhoff.
- 'M' for membrane.
Some people, myself included, think that this is where we live.
On a membrane in a larger dimensional space.
Now, this jam is us.
We Are stuck on this membrane.
Nothing gets off the membrane, except for one thing.
- What?
- - Gravity.
Or, more precisely, gravitons.
- I see and where do these gravitons go?