爱因斯坦神模式 Einstein's God Model Movie Script



I need to grow a tail, where's the can?
- Come on, I'll show you.
- Can you believe that guy?
- He's blind, dude.
- Brayden, I know what I'm doing.
- I haven't seen you do anything yet.
Luis, what is the god model?
- It's irrelevant.
- Not according to Craig.
- Albert Einstein came up with it about 60 years ago.
He was giving a lecture at Princeton.
One of his students asked, do you believe in god.
Einstein drew a square on the board.
The square represents all the knowledge of how the universe works.
He then drew another square inside it like this.
This square represents everything we've learned so far.
Einstein divided the inner square into four sections.
Now, everything on the left side consists of things that move slower than half the speed of light and everything on the right side, faster than half the speed of light.
The top half contains everything larger than an atom.
You, me, planets, galaxies, et cetera.
The bottom half, obviously, contains things smaller than an atom.
Protons, neutrons, electrons.
- Strings.
- - Exactly.
Einstein then explained that each of these boxes represented a different area of physics.