- Taking a lot of call lately? - Don't worry about it. - Dev, I'll be back at work soon, I promise. - Brayden, I'll cover your hours, you know that. But, I do think it would be a good idea for you to go back to work. Focus on the real world for a change. - Good to see you, Donna. - And, don't be a stranger. How's he doing? - He's a mess. - So, what's the mold of? - Mold? - Yeah, it's like one of the molds from my pottery class. So what is it? - Bye. - Love you. - Anesthesia, we're not supposed to be using cellphones in the or. - Yeah, usually it doesn't take three hours to do a lap chole either but here we are. Hey, honey. - Dev. There's something here you need to see. - Meiselhoff didn't commit suicide, you killed him. You killed him with this. - It wasn't suicide. And, it certainly wasn't homicide.