爱因斯坦神模式 Einstein's God Model Movie Script



- Oh, I'm sorry, am I boring you?
Because, by all means, go right back to packing.
- Not bore, Bohr.
He's the founder of quantum physics.
He found that when you observe a subatomic particle, say an electron, it actually changes its position and velocity.
And, this is relevant because when we observe the subatomic world, there are no rules.
An object can exist in two places at once.
- Like the seashell.
- And, the ring.
- Exactly.
Abbey's final memory was snowfall and she brought that memory to her afterlife.
This membrane that we go to when we die, it's in a state of quantum entanglement.
Until we arrive with all our perceptions and our prejudices, ultimately, defining that world.
- Heaven exists?
- Heaven, nirvana, hell, it all exists.
Not because the Bible or the Quran or Buddha says it does.
It exists because we expect it to.
- You know, I don't think there's a dress code for the afterlife.
- Then why do they bury everyone in suits?
- Alright, it's gonna hurt like a son of a b*tch.
I promise you're not gonna end up like Craig.
- You sure about this, Devin?
- You're asking me now?
- Listen, if things don't go well, I don't want you to feel you know.