公正裁决 Equity (2016) Movie Script


高級投資銀行家娜奧美(安娜根 飾)縱橫利慾薰心的華爾街,在男性主導的金錢與權力世界打出名堂。一隻話題性新股的推出,揭發行內不為人知的機密與醜聞,對娜奧美產生嚴重威脅,並把她捲入政治鬥爭和金融世界的爾虞我詐之中。檢察官(艾妮茜亞韋拿 飾)對她窮追不捨,而她與下屬艾琳(莎拉美瑾湯馬斯 飾)的緊張關係更把她推向深淵。在水深火熱之中,娜奧美不得不重新檢視她所追求的目標,以及這個令她沉醉的弱肉強食世界,是否容得下女性?本片出自美籍印裔女導演美華文朗之手,加上《絕命毒師》辣妻安娜根完美演繹,被形容為首部以女性角度出發的女版《華爾街狼人》。

MAN 1:
The entire market is watching.
Back with Dynacorps' CEO.
You must be very happy with this news--
MAN 2:
This runaway hit that is the Dynacorps [PO--
MAN 3:
Take a look at the evaluation, I 'm really doubtful--
MAN 2:
So a great day for Dynacorps and for the bankers at Gemini Trust--
You'll understand--
--is climbing rapidly upwards today.
WOMAN 3 [ON TV]: --moving broadly higher at this hour with utility and tech shares leading the gains.
But there is really only one story out there that everybody in the market is watching and that is the Dynacorps IPO.
This truly is a historic day.
We knew from the road show the demand for the stock was going to be strong.
We expected to see a pop at the open.
But nobody thought Dynacorps would soar like this all the way to 47, and it looks like it is still climbing at this hour, so a much better debut than investors could have hoped for.
Of course, with this kind of move you wonder whether the stock may have been mispriced whether or not perhaps they left a little money on the table.
We know that they actually switched underwriters going into this IPO, so there was a bit of concern about how things would shake up, but clearly Dynacorps' IPO is shaping up to be one of the most successful public offerings of the year.
So what happened with Dynacorps?
Neel, I have taken nine Silicon Valley companies public in the last five years and you want to talk about the one I didn't take to the finish line?
I work for the largest investment bank in the world.
We both know I found you guys capital when you were just a couple kids with a laptop and a dream.
So we can talk about Dynacorps or we can talk about you and how I'm gonna grow your company so you can build technology that will transform people's lives.
- Try the Tasmanian sea trout.
- Yeah, maybe I should.