公正裁决 Equity (2016) Movie Script


高級投資銀行家娜奧美(安娜根 飾)縱橫利慾薰心的華爾街,在男性主導的金錢與權力世界打出名堂。一隻話題性新股的推出,揭發行內不為人知的機密與醜聞,對娜奧美產生嚴重威脅,並把她捲入政治鬥爭和金融世界的爾虞我詐之中。檢察官(艾妮茜亞韋拿 飾)對她窮追不捨,而她與下屬艾琳(莎拉美瑾湯馬斯 飾)的緊張關係更把她推向深淵。在水深火熱之中,娜奧美不得不重新檢視她所追求的目標,以及這個令她沉醉的弱肉強食世界,是否容得下女性?本片出自美籍印裔女導演美華文朗之手,加上《絕命毒師》辣妻安娜根完美演繹,被形容為首部以女性角度出發的女版《華爾街狼人》。

However I can.
This would be a big transition for you.
- Yeah.
- Coming over into the corporate world.
The thing is, I have a family and... I'm looking forward to having a sense of stability and to really be a... You know what? No. Um... [CHUCKLES] That's not it. Uh... Vi The truth is l want to make some money.
I could say something more nuanced about my dreams and aspirations, but that's the honest truth.
lam so glad that we can sit here as women and talk about ambition.
But money doesn't have to be a dirty word.
We can like that too.
--disappointment initially... [INDISTINCT CHATTERING]
Finally today tech company Cachet is back in the spotlight with another surge in share price this week, as the stock continues to rally following a disappointing IPO.
Cachet, whose stock has been steadily climbing after that terrible debut earlier this year has by now made a lot of its investors very wealthy if they were able to hold on tight during that steep drop.
--saw this with Facebook and Square where a stock rallies and the IPO fades into the distance as investors track the growth of the company over time.
What seemed like a disaster at the initial offering could turn out to be just a speed bump on the road to enormous gains.