With pointed fangs I sit and wait; with piercing force I crunch out fate; grabbing victims, proclaiming might; physically joining with a single bite. What am I? 我尖尖的尖牙坐着等待;我用锐利的力量扼杀命运;抓住受害者,宣扬力量;用一口咬合身体。我是什么?
A stapler 订书机
100. Riddle:
I have lakes with no water, mountains with no stone and cities with no buildings. What am I? 我有无水的湖泊,没有石头的山脉,没有建筑的城市。我是什么?
A map 一张地图
101. Riddle:
What does man love more than life, hate more than death or mortal strife; that which contented men desire; the poor have, the rich require; the miser spends, the spendthrift saves, and all men carry to their graves? 人爱什么胜过生命,恨什么胜过死亡或人间纷争;满足人们欲望的东西;穷人有,富人需要;守财奴花钱,挥霍者存钱,所有人都把钱带进坟墓?