What word is pronounced the same if you take away four of its five letters? 如果你去掉五个字母中的四个,哪个单词的发音是一样的?
Queue 排队
84. Riddle:
I am a word that begins with the letter “i.” If you add the letter “a” to me, I become a new word with a different meaning, but that sounds exactly the same. What word am I? 我是一个以字母“I”开头的单词。如果你给我加上字母“a”,我就会变成一个含义不同的新词,但听起来完全一样。我是什么词?
Isle (add “a” to make “aisle”) 岛(加上“a”表示“过道”)
85. Riddle:
What word in the English language does the following 英语中的哪个单词有以下作用