Eye In The Sky Movie Script


在肯尼亚内罗毕,一名中将(艾伦·里克曼饰)和一名上校(海伦·米伦饰)下令进行无人机导弹袭击,以消灭一群自杀式炸弹袭击者,他们面临政治反对。A lieutenant general (Alan Rickman) and a colonel (Helen Mirren) face political opposition after ordering a drone missile strike to take out a group of suicide bombers in Nairobi, Kenya.

A scraping sound as the door of a small brick oven opens.
FATIMA MO’ALLIM, early 30's, slender, Somali, reaches in and places loaves of unbaked bread into the wood-fire oven.
A worn blue headscarf - a hijab - is wrapped around her head to cover her hair but still reveals her beautiful face.
FATIMA runs a small home bakery business within the walls of the family compound.
The bakery opens onto a sandy courtyard that surrounds a small rough brick home with a corrugated sheet metal roof and a separate, small roughly constructed bicycle workshop.
There are bicycles and bits of bicycles everywhere.
FATIMA’S husband, MUSA (30's) sits on a crate amidst the bicycles he repairs putting the finishing touches onto a home made “hula hoop” made of black PVC tubing.
His young daughter, ALIA, 10, watches with impatient excitement as he inserts a plastic connector into the tube to join the two ends in a hoop.
ALIA (CONT’D) Is it done, Papa?!
Weli ma dhameyn miyaa Aabe?!
(Welli mah dah-main meeyah Ah- be?!) MUSA MUSA (CONT’D) Patience, Alia... Dulgaado, Alia... (Dul-gaar-doh, Alia...) She fidgets with anticipation.
ALIA (CONT’D) Do you like the colors I Maka heshay kalarka aan used?
(Maka heh-shay kalarka aan iss-tih-maa-la-yo?) The tubing has been decorated with bright twists of electrical tape that form rings of colorful patterns.
MUSA MUSA (CONT’D) Very pretty... Aad iyo Aad La'Jacleey... (Aad iyo aad lah-gel-lay...) YELLOW SHOOTING SCRIPT 12 September 2014 2.
Scattered around the yard are half a dozen discarded hoops of different sizes and colors.
ALIA ALIA (CONT’D) This is my best one ever! Kani waa midka aan weligeyga Jeelaandoono!
(Kani waa midka aan weli-gay ist-ti-male-donno!) MUSA smiles, and hands her the hoop. ALIA takes it. She swings it over her body and around her waist - and SPINS it.
She swings her hips, making the hoop swirl around her body.
ALIA ALIA (CONT’D) Look, Mama! Hooyo, Fiiri!
(Hoy-yo Fee-ree!) FATIMA looks out into the yard at her and smiles.
As ALIA continues to spin the hoop, the CAMERA RISES UP over her and continues to rise, higher and higher, until we are
A BIRD’S-EYE VIEW of the compound within the surrounding neighbourhood setting.
Their home is in a Somali Militia controlled neighbourhood of Nairobi. The sun has just risen, but people are already on the move.
Beyond the safety and privacy of the walled family compound, militia hang out on street corners and guard unofficial checkpoint barriers on neighbourhood entrances, making it a no-go area for the Kenyan police.