Eye In The Sky Movie Script


在肯尼亚内罗毕,一名中将(艾伦·里克曼饰)和一名上校(海伦·米伦饰)下令进行无人机导弹袭击,以消灭一群自杀式炸弹袭击者,他们面临政治反对。A lieutenant general (Alan Rickman) and a colonel (Helen Mirren) face political opposition after ordering a drone missile strike to take out a group of suicide bombers in Nairobi, Kenya.

SERGEANT GLEESON Ma’am, Condor is texting.
SERGEANT GLEESON It reads... Uh... “Hi sis, arrived safely. Give Mom a big hug for me.” COLONEL POWELL: (dry as hell) How sweet... YELLOW SHOOTING SCRIPT 12 September 2014 24.
49 EXT. STREET - EASTLEIGH - NAIROBI - MORNING 49 ALIA, with a basket of her mother’s loaves, walks to a table already set up on the sidewalk alongside a compound wall.
She puts down her basket of bread, takes out a cloth and begins to carefully lay it on the rickety table.
SHE HEARS RAISED VOICES - and looks up to see a POOR WOMAN being questioned by THREE MILITIA MEN about her attire, which does not cover her wrists.
MILITIA LEADER MILITIA LEADER (CONT’D) You need to cover yourself Waxaad u baahan tahay inaad properly! si sax ah naftaada dabooli!
The MAN slaps at her exposed wrists with a short whip.
MILITIA MAN #2 MILITIA MAN #2 (CONT’D) Go home! Now! Tag guriga, hadda!
Humiliated the WOMAN walks away.
The MEN look back and see ALIA glancing at them. TWO OTHER MILITIA MEN guarding a nearby compound watch her too.
ALIA quickly lowers her gaze, afraid to be seen watching and concentrates on laying out her bread on the table-cloth.
50 EXT/INT. STEVE’S CAR - ROAD OUT OF VEGAS - NIGHT 50 It’s a beautiful, starry night. Music on the radio.
STEVE drives a deserted road, headed into the desert.
51 INT. TOY SHOP - THE STRAND - LONDON - MORNING 51 BENSON stares nervously at rows of toy dolls. He looks for a SHOP ASSISTANT - but she’s with another customer. He takes out his phone. Punches a number. Leaves a message: LIEUTENANT-GENERAL BENSON Darling it’s your dad here. I’m looking at a whole shelf of these Annabell dolls. You didn’t tell me there are different types. I’ve no idea what to buy her. Can you get back to me asap? Otherwise... He picks up one of the dolls. Squints at the packaging.
YELLOW SHOOTING SCRIPT 12 September 2014 25.
LIEUTENANT-GENERAL BENSON (CONT’D) I’m holding a... um... An Annabell Time To Sleep Doll and it says here ‘you will hear her babbling when it is beddy-byes’. Call me as soon as you can.
He puts away his phone. Stressed, he stares at the doll.
52 EXT. KENYAN MARKET AREA - PARKLANDS - MIDDAY 52 A STALL OWNER slops stew from a pot into take-away cartons.
JAMA FARAH, a Kenyan of Somali origin, in his hat, jeans, shirt, glances about while he waits for his food.
He eyes a PRETTY WOMAN in a tank-top and shorts crossing the street. (This neighbourhood is not governed by Sharia law.) We may also notice a STREET VENDOR selling plastic BUCKETS amidst dozens of other vendors.
JAMA slaps hands with the STALL OWNER, pays him and heads off down the street with three cartons of stew.
53 EXT. QUIET SIDE STREET - PARKLANDS - MIDDAY 53 JAMA rounds a corner and approaches a battered commercial van marked “Ruaka Engineering Services” parked on a quiet street.
He pulls open the passenger side door.
54 INT. JAMA'S VAN - PARKLANDS - MIDDAY 54 JAMA enters the van with the food he has just bought. He hands a carton of stew to a DRIVER in the front seat and moves into the back of the van.