Eye In The Sky Movie Script


在肯尼亚内罗毕,一名中将(艾伦·里克曼饰)和一名上校(海伦·米伦饰)下令进行无人机导弹袭击,以消灭一群自杀式炸弹袭击者,他们面临政治反对。A lieutenant general (Alan Rickman) and a colonel (Helen Mirren) face political opposition after ordering a drone missile strike to take out a group of suicide bombers in Nairobi, Kenya.

Within this no-go area they stop cars and search anyone they suspect of being a Kenyan security police collaborator.
Four YOUNG MEN drive past Alia’s compound in a pickup truck with a machine gun bolted on to the back. They set the neighbourhood tone.
As we rise higher we reveal that the whole area is a rabbit- warren of streets, shops and market stalls.
We FADE IN our TITLE: EYE IN THE SKY: Over this we become faintly aware of the low pulse of deep bass music...
YELLOW SHOOTING SCRIPT 12 September 2014 3.
2 INT. BEDROOM - POWELL’S HOUSE - SURREY - NIGHT 2 COLONEL KATHERINE POWELL lies awake in bed. Her husband SIMON sleeps beside her in an eye mask.
ON SCREEN: SURREY, ENGLAND - 03h15 The thud of music is coming from another room: Quiet, but loud enough to be irritating once one becomes aware of it.
POWELL has become aware of it and it is now irritating her.
She gets up.
3 INT. LANDING - POWELL’S HOUSE - SURREY - NIGHT 3 POWELL, in her pyjamas, exits her bedroom, crosses the landing and stops at the bedroom from where the monotonous bass is emanating.
She stands for a moment, wondering whether to enter the room.
She decides against it.
4 EXT. ALIA’S COMPOUND - EASTLEIGH - DAWN 4 ALIA swings her hips as the hoop whizzes around her body.
5 INT. KITCHEN - POWELL’S HOUSE - SURREY - NIGHT 5 POWELL, still in her pyjamas but now also in slippers and a dressing gown, enters the kitchen.
A Labrador dog, Jesse, gets up out of a basket.
POWELL pats the dog’s head, goes to the kitchen tap and drinks some water. A routine.
6 EXT. GARDEN - POWELL’S HOUSE - SURREY - NIGHT 6 POWELL, with Jesse following, exits the house. She walks across the garden to an office ‘shed’ and unlocks a bolted door. She goes inside.
7 EXT. ALIA’S COMPOUND - EASTLEIGH - DAWN 7 ALIA, laughing, swings her hips. The hoop whizzes around her.
YELLOW SHOOTING SCRIPT 12 September 2014 4.
8 INT. POWELL’S GARDEN OFFICE - SURREY - NIGHT 8 POWELL withdraws a secure dongle from a pocket in her gown and plugs it into a USB port in a computer on a desk.
Jesse knows the routine: he has a basket in here too and he lies down in it.
The office is full of military books, files, mementoes and photographs: her entire military career is in this room - and we immediately understand that this is where she lives out her life. The house is just where she sleeps.
While her computer boots up, POWELL glances at a large pin board on a wall beside her desk: It is covered in hand-written notes and SURVEILLANCE PHOTOGRAPHS taken in various foreign locations of WANTED HVI’s - High Value Individuals.
The faces are mostly Somali, but we also notice a young British Muslim student named RASHEED HAMUD, and a young American named MUHAMMAD ABDISALAAM. (Note: It does not matter whether we know their nationality at this point, but their dress is clearly western.) One photograph in particular stands out from the rest: A WHITE WOMAN wearing a deep blue head scarf (a hijab) which covers her hair. The name SUSAN HELEN DANFORD appears beneath the picture, as well as the name “AYESHA AL-HADY.” Another picture shows Danford without her hijab. She’s an attractive woman in her early thirties.
In yet another she is with a man named ABDULLAH AL-HADY - who we will learn is her husband.