Eye In The Sky Movie Script


在肯尼亚内罗毕,一名中将(艾伦·里克曼饰)和一名上校(海伦·米伦饰)下令进行无人机导弹袭击,以消灭一群自杀式炸弹袭击者,他们面临政治反对。A lieutenant general (Alan Rickman) and a colonel (Helen Mirren) face political opposition after ordering a drone missile strike to take out a group of suicide bombers in Nairobi, Kenya.

Still other pictures of her show her in various foreign locations. A few copies of different PASSPORTS show her image with different names: ALLISON WEST, REBECCA SUTTON.
Below the images of Danford and Al-Hady are dozens of other YOUNG FACES - some Western dressed, some local Somali fighters with weapons.
Some have been inked out in red.
POWELL stares at the image of Danford for a moment.
Then her computer BLEEPS and she turns to check her in-box.
An email message comes up with A PICTURE OF A YOUNG ARMY CORPORAL in a wheelchair wearing PROSTHETIC LEGS. We read: YELLOW SHOOTING SCRIPT 12 September 2014 5.
Dear Colonel Powell The new legs are good. I can walk to the shops, but I don’t see the point in doing that, or in doing anything.
Captain Kirby has suggested... She scrolls to the end: ... to be honest, I wish I had died.
Corporal Shane Allen.
Powell sits staring blankly at the picture of the crippled soldier. She is, for a moment, lost. Then she begins to type a reply.
Dear Corporal Allen Do not lose hope. Once you recover, I promise to assist in reassigning you... As she types, an INCOMING EMAIL ALERT pops up on her screen.
“More news on Ben.” Powell stops writing her reply to the first email.
She hesitates, then opens the new one.
This was posted an hour ago.
//www.al-news.org/watch_now/ Still can’t believe we lost him.
Good luck this morning.
Talk later.
Frank POWELL steels herself. Then reluctantly clicks on the link in the email.
It shows HAND HELD FOOTAGE of A YOUNG, DEAD, AFRICAN MAN in plain clothes lying in filth in an alley. He has been shot in the back of the head. Blood pools around his shoulders.
YELLOW SHOOTING SCRIPT 12 September 2014 6.
The VOICE of a REPORTER plays over the footage, which cuts to various images of Al-Shabaab Militants chanting with weapons raised, and graphics of the geographical area described.
REPORTER’S VOICE Somali Al-Shabaab militants have posted this picture of an unnamed man they say they have executed in Nairobi. The group claims he was working for British military intelligence attempting to infiltrate their international recruitment networks. Al-Shabaab want to impose their strict version of Sharia law across the horn of Africa. They bitterly resent the role of Britain and the Kenyan military in propping up the UN backed Somali government in Mogadishu. The Ministry of Defense has declined to comment, but denounced the execution as “sickening.” Affected, but stoic, POWELL watches in icy silence.
9 EXT. LAS VEGAS - NEVADA - EVENING 9 FROM HIGH IN THE SKY we drift ominously over suburbs of tract homes that pattern the Nevada desert at last light.
ON SCREEN: LAS VEGAS, NEVADA, USA - 20h44 10 INT. BEDROOM - STEVE’S HOUSE - LAS VEGAS - NIGHT 10 Dark. A large digital alarm clock reads: 20h44 A sleeping body is dimly visible with covers over its head.