Eye In The Sky Movie Script


在肯尼亚内罗毕,一名中将(艾伦·里克曼饰)和一名上校(海伦·米伦饰)下令进行无人机导弹袭击,以消灭一群自杀式炸弹袭击者,他们面临政治反对。A lieutenant general (Alan Rickman) and a colonel (Helen Mirren) face political opposition after ordering a drone missile strike to take out a group of suicide bombers in Nairobi, Kenya.

(Game mee-yad ay-yaar-aysah?) JAMA JAMA (CONT’D) Yes. Haa. (Hah.) KHALID KHALID (CONT’D) Which one? Noocee waaye?
(No-ay why-yeh?)
JAMA (CONT’D) Nothing for a boy.
Ma' ahan midki ciyaalka.
(Ma-ahaan mid-key ee-yalkah.) YELLOW SHOOTING SCRIPT 12 September 2014 53.
KHALID KHALID (CONT’D) A shooting game? Makula ciyaaraa?
(Ma-koo-la ee-ya-rah?)
JAMA (CONT’D) Do you want a job?
Fiiri shago ma Rabtaa.
(Fee-ree shak-koh ma rubtah.) KHALID KHALID (CONT’D) Yes sir! Haa Mudane! (Haa Moo-dan-ay!) JAMA JAMA (CONT’D) Stay here and sell my Inta Joog iiGad_Alaabteyda buckets. I will give you half waxaan ku sinayaa haaf my money. lacagtayda.
(Inter joog ee-gut alab-taydah wa- haan koo sinayah half la-ak-tay-dah.) KHALID KHALID (CONT’D) One half? Hal haafaa? (Hal haa-fa?) JAMA JAMA (CONT’D) One half. Haa, hal haaf. (Haa, hal half.) KHALID KHALID (CONT’D) Yes sir! Haye, mudane!
(Haa-yeah Moo-da-nee!) JAMA JAMA (CONT’D) Ask one fifty for each bucket Gad konton shilling baakat -but you can take one kii laakin ma gadi kartid twenty.
lawaatan shilling bakaat kee.
(Gad konton shilling baa-kat kee laa-kin hag gadin car-tad la-waa-tan shilling baa-kat kee.) KHALID KHALID (CONT’D) Yes sir! Yes sir! Haye Mudane! Haye mudane!
(Haa mood-dan! Haa mood-dan!) JAMA JAMA (CONT’D) And don’t talk to me, I am Tankale ha ila hadlin aniga busy. waxaan ahay mashgool.
(Tan-ka-lay haa illah hadleen ar-neekah wah-haan ahay mush-gool.) KHALID KHALID (CONT’D) Yes sir! Haye mudane!
(Haa-yay moo-dan-ay!) YELLOW SHOOTING SCRIPT 12 September 2014 54.
127 INT. KITCHEN - AMADU’S HOUSE - AFTERNOON 127 AMADU picks up the tray and exits the kitchen.
128 INT. PJHQ - LONDON - AFTERNOON 128 POWELL watches her screen as Amadu leaves the kitchen.
POWELL watches the image as the beetle enters the kitchen and rises quickly into the wooden rafters.
The house has no ceilings, and from up in the darkened rafters the beetle follows AMADU out of the kitchen and into: 129 INT. LIVING ROOM - AMADU’S HOUSE - AFTERNOON 129 The beetle in the rafters watches AMADU as he enters the living room with the tray of dates and glasses of zam zam.
There is a carpet and a small raised dias in the centre of the room. On the wall is a large framed sura (verse) from the Quran in ornate calligraphy.
RASHEED and MUHAMMAD are sitting crossed legged on velvet cushions. There is no other furniture. Both look anxious.
AMADU sets the tray on the dias before RASHEED and MUHAMMAD with great reverence.