Eye In The Sky Movie Script


在肯尼亚内罗毕,一名中将(艾伦·里克曼饰)和一名上校(海伦·米伦饰)下令进行无人机导弹袭击,以消灭一群自杀式炸弹袭击者,他们面临政治反对。A lieutenant general (Alan Rickman) and a colonel (Helen Mirren) face political opposition after ordering a drone missile strike to take out a group of suicide bombers in Nairobi, Kenya.

POWELL smiles.
(into her mike) Showman50, we have them both.
A141 INT. OPERATIONS ROOM - COMPANY D BASE - AFTERNOON A141 OWITI stares at the beetle’s image of AL-HADY on his lap top.
MAJOR OWITI: Yes, Ma’am. This is wonderful.
COLONEL POWELL: I need Peg90 to take me into the other rooms. Let’s see who else might be coming for tea.
MAJOR OWITI: Yes, Ma’am!
142 EXT. STREET - EASTLEIGH - AFTERNOON 142 JAMA, tense, controls the beetle. KHALID sells a bucket.
KHALID (CONT’D) One hundred and forty!
Bogol iyo afortun shillin!
(Bogol eeyoh af-for-ton shilling!) YELLOW SHOOTING SCRIPT
That’s a good sale. I must use you more often!
Yes sir. If I sell one more can I play your game?
12 September 2014 60.
JAMA (CONT’D) Waa gadis wanaagsan waa inaz adiga kugu gadaa kuli!
(Waa gadis waa-nag-sun waa inaan ah-dee-ga koo-ga-dah kool-ee!) KHALID (CONT’D) Haye mudane. Haddaan mid kale soo gadaa ma ciyaaraya game ka?
(Haa-yeah moo-da-nay. Hadhaan meed ka-lay so gad-o ma yaa-ra-ya game kah?) JAMA, concentrating, sees a text message come up on his
“Explore the house.”
KHALID (CONT’D) If it’s a shooting game... Game kii leys tooganaayey miyaa.
(Game kee leys too-ga-na-yay mee-yah.) JAMA JAMA (CONT’D) It’s not. Sell the buckets. Ma'ahan gad Baakadaha.
(Ma-ahan gad kaa daa haa.) Disappointed, KHALID turns away.
JAMA focuses on his “game.” 143 INT. AMADU’S HOUSE - AFTERNOON 143 The beetle leaves the living room and flies down a corridor.
144 INT. PJHQ - LONDON - AFTERNOON 144 POWELL closely observes the image from the beetle as it looks into a bedroom.
The room has basic furniture. There is no one here.
145 INT. PJHQ - LONDON - AFTERNOON 145 POWELL watches as the beetle exits this room, goes back into the corridor and enters a second bedroom.