Eye In The Sky Movie Script


在肯尼亚内罗毕,一名中将(艾伦·里克曼饰)和一名上校(海伦·米伦饰)下令进行无人机导弹袭击,以消灭一群自杀式炸弹袭击者,他们面临政治反对。A lieutenant general (Alan Rickman) and a colonel (Helen Mirren) face political opposition after ordering a drone missile strike to take out a group of suicide bombers in Nairobi, Kenya.

JAMA JAMA (CONT’D) Haa. Dhamaan keen.
(Hah. Dum-maan ken.) As JAMA gets out the money, another armed guard - ABDI - comes out of the compound.
JAMA gives the money to ALIA and scoops up the bread.
* JAMA flinches, but doesn’t look up. * ABDI (CONT’D) Hey! I know you.
Jama backs up slightly.
ABDI (CONT’D) Waryaa waan ku garanayaa! * * * YELLOW SHOOTING SCRIPT
Yes, I used to live here.
ABDI (CONT’D) What are you doing here now?
I am a trader now. Selling buckets.
12 September 2014 92.
JAMA (CONT’D) Haa, Waan ku noolaan jiray inta. * ABDI (CONT’D) Halkaan Maxaad Ka * Sameyneysaa?
JAMA (CONT’D) Waxaan Ahay hadda ganacsade * iib geeya baakadaha.
ALIA, slightly nervous, starts to put away her tablecloth. * ABDI (CONT’D) Where have you been?
I have come back my friend!
ABDI (CONT’D) I asked where you have been!
I went back to Somalia. My mother was ill... ABDI (CONT’D) Xaggeed Ku Maqneed? * JAMA (CONT’D) Waxaan usoo laabtay * saaxibadeyda.
ABDI (CONT’D) Waxaan ku weediyay xagee baad * ku maqneed!
JAMA (CONT’D) Waxaan dib ugu laabtay somaliya hooyadeyda ayaa * xanuun-saneed... * YELLOW SHOOTING SCRIPT 12 September 2014 93.
ABDI (CONT’D) No, no, I remember, you tried to dance with my sister... You took her into the city. I remember... You have no honor!
I don’t dance anymore... ABDI (CONT’D) We chased you out!
(to his friends) Hey, this guy likes the Kenyans!
ABDI (CONT’D) Maya, maya , waan xusuusta, waxaad isku deyi jirtay inaad la ciyaarto walaasheyda waxaad u kaxeen jirtay magaalada waan xasuustaa ma * lihid wax wanaag ah oo aad isku dayday!
JAMA (CONT’D) Hadda Ma Ciyaari Wax Badan * ... ABDI (CONT’D) Waan ku daba socday !
(to his friends) Waryaada qofkaan wuu ka helaa kenyaanka !