Eye In The Sky Movie Script


在肯尼亚内罗毕,一名中将(艾伦·里克曼饰)和一名上校(海伦·米伦饰)下令进行无人机导弹袭击,以消灭一群自杀式炸弹袭击者,他们面临政治反对。A lieutenant general (Alan Rickman) and a colonel (Helen Mirren) face political opposition after ordering a drone missile strike to take out a group of suicide bombers in Nairobi, Kenya.

Put the money away!
293 EXT. STREET - EASTLEIGH - AFTERNOON 293 ALIA takes her time to count her money.
294 INT. PJHQ - LONDON - AFTERNOON 294 POWELL, MUSHTAQ and HAROLD watch in tense silence.
295 INT. BEDROOM SUITE - SINGAPORE - NIGHT 295 JAMES, ashen, KATE and TOM watch on James’ laptop.
296 INT. ROOM - HICKAM AIR FORCE BASE - NIGHT 296 LUCY, leaning forward, anxiously watches ALIA on the screen.
YELLOW SHOOTING SCRIPT 12 September 2014 123.
297 INT. BRIEFING ROOM A - WHITEHALL - AFTERNOON 297 Everyone watches the screen.
298 EXT. STREET - EASTLEIGH - AFTERNOON 298 ALIA folds her money. Then carefully puts it in her pocket.
299 INT. GROUND CONTROL STATION - NIGHT 299 STEVE and CARRIE wait as they watch ALIA. She is now carefully folding her tablecloth.
Come on! Come on! Come on!
Fifteen seconds.
(with quiet dread) Come on... 300 EXT. STREET - EASTLEIGH - AFTERNOON 300 ALIA’s in no hurry as she neatly continues to fold her cloth.
301 INT. PJHQ - LONDON - AFTERNOON 301 POWELL again looks at her stop watch.
COLONEL POWELL: Nine seconds.
302 INT. GROUND CONTROL STATION - NIGHT 302 STEVE and CARRIE watch ALIA as she finishes her folding.
STEVE watches her pick up the basket.
Soundless, the missile goes through the roof of the house.
All we can see on the Reaper live feed is a dust cloud, obscuring everything around the compound.
ON THE GROUND ALI looks back in horror as secondary explosions from the two suicide vests rip the house apart.
FATIMA and MUSA react as the house next door detonates.
303 INT. PJHQ - LONDON - AFTERNOON 303 POWELL watches, waiting for the dust to settle and the picture to become clear.
304 INT. BEDROOM SUITE - SINGAPORE - NIGHT 304 JAMES looks like he will throw up.
305 INT. GROUND CONTROL STATION - NIGHT 305 STEVE stares at the smoke and dust where ALIA was standing.
306 EXT. STREET - EASTLEIGH - AFTERNOON 306 Alia’s table has been blown thirty yards away.