Eye In The Sky Movie Script


在肯尼亚内罗毕,一名中将(艾伦·里克曼饰)和一名上校(海伦·米伦饰)下令进行无人机导弹袭击,以消灭一群自杀式炸弹袭击者,他们面临政治反对。A lieutenant general (Alan Rickman) and a colonel (Helen Mirren) face political opposition after ordering a drone missile strike to take out a group of suicide bombers in Nairobi, Kenya.

ON SCREEN: NAIROBI, KENYA - 09h30 26 INT. AIRPORT - MORNING 26 MUHAMMAD ABDISALAAM (20), the clean-shaven American student whose image we saw on POWELL’S office wall, comes out of Arrivals with a trekker’s rucksack.
He seems on edge but smiles when he sees a Man, DRIVER ONE, holding a card with ‘Kenyan Student Exchange Services’ on it.
DRIVER ONE: How was the flight?
(100% American accent) Yeah, it was good. Thank you.
A CAMERA SHUTTER clicks and the IMAGE OF MUHAMMAD freezes as a still frame on screen.
A REVERSE ANGLE reveals an athletic looking Kenyan man, AGENT ATIENO, 35, casually shooting a long lens, covert surveillance image of Muhammad from across the airport lobby.
ATIENO lowers his camera and watches as MUHAMMAD is escorted towards the airport exit by the DRIVER. He speaks into a small radio mike: AGENT ATIENO: Showman50, Bravo27: Sea Hawk has arrived... YELLOW SHOOTING SCRIPT 12 September 2014 14.
A26 INT. PJHQ - LONDON - MORNING A26 A text pops up on SERGEANT GLEESON’S screen: “Showman50: Sea Hawk has left the airport.” SERGEANT GLEESON Ma’am... Sea Hawk is in and traveling.
POWELL looks up from signing paperwork at her desk that outlines Rules of Engagement etc. for the day’s mission.
COLONEL POWELL: Is the Reaper following?
A WARRANT OFFICER at another desk responds: WARRANT OFFICER: Yes, Ma’am. Patching us in.
He works his keyboard and a A VIDEO IMAGE appears on a large TV screen at one end of the bunker... The image on screen is a HIGH ANGLED SHOT filmed by a REAPER DRONE flying unseen at 20,000 feet of an old SUV driving down a main road bustling with hawkers and Matatu taxis.
COLONEL POWELL: Headed for Parklands?
A YOUNG FEMALE CORPORAL at another station watches a screen that tracks the route of the SUV on a map of Nairobi.
YOUNG FEMALE CORPORAL Looks that way, yes, Ma’am.
27 OMITTED 27 28 OMITTED 28 29 EXT. BEACH - HAWAII - SUNSET 29 AIRMAN 1st CLASS LUCY GALVEZ, tall, fit, Latino American, paddles a stand-up board toward towards a perfect beach.
Across the bay we see a LARGE NAVAL DOCKYARD with WARSHIPS starkly silhouetted against the setting sun.
As LUCY steps off her board and onto the beach, three young American AIRMEN jog past her.
Hey, Lucy, you coming to Jimmy’s tonight?
No. I’m on duty.
Too bad!
LUCY lifts her board as the sun dips into the ocean.
30 INT. ROOM - ALIA’S HOUSE - MORNING 30 ALIA is struggling with an equation. MUSA sits with her.