The history and humor of the fart
The history and humor of the fart
Please don't say goodbye I know that most girls Try to keep their flatulence inside But I can't lie I need a man who knows the past A lot of gas, that smells the gas Is here to last for infinity to beyond - Rotting gas - ( vocalizing ) - I farted - ( vocalizing ) - Smells like ass - ( vocalizing ) - I definitely farted - ( vocalizing ) - I think I farted - On a wall - I think I farted - In the bed - I think I farted - On the TV I think I fa a-a-a-a - Rotting gas - ( vocalizing ) I'll be coming round the mountain - When she comes - ( fart noise ) I'll be coming around the mountain when she comes ( fart noise ) Uh, one candle is still... - Oh, one left.