食品公司 Food, Inc. Movie Script


The current method of raw food production is largely a response to the growth of the fast food industry since the 1950s. The production of food overall has more drastically changed since that time than the several thousand years prior. Controlled primarily by a handful of multinational corporations, the global food production business - with an emphasis on the business - has as its unwritten goals production of large quantities of food at low direct inputs (most often subsidized) resulting in enormous profits, which in turn results in greater control of the global supply of food sources within these few companies. Health and safety (of the food itself, of the animals produced themselves, of the workers on the assembly lines, and of the consumers actually eating the food) are often overlooked by the companies, and are often overlooked by government in an effort to provide cheap food regardless of these negative consequences. 目前的生食生产方法在很大程度上是对20世纪50年代以来快餐业增长的回应。自那时以来,食品生产的总体变化比几千年前更为剧烈。主要由少数几家跨国公司控制的全球食品生产业务——重点是该业务——将以低直接投入(通常是补贴)生产大量食品作为其不成文的目标,从而带来巨大的利润,这反过来导致对这几家公司内全球食品供应的更大控制。健康和安全(食品本身、自己生产的动物、流水线上的工人以及实际食用食品的消费者的健康和安全)常常被公司忽视,而政府为了提供廉价食品而忽视了这些负面后果。

You look at the labels and you see Farmer this, Farmer that-- it's really just three or four companies that are controlling the meat.
We've never had food companies this big and this powerful in our history.
Tyson, for example, is the biggest meat-packing company in the history of the world.
The industry changed the entire way that chicken are raised.
Birds are now raised and slaughtered in half the time they were 50 years ago, but now they're twice as big.
People like to eat white meat, so they redesigned the chicken to have large breasts.
They not only changed the chicken, they changed the farmer.
Today, chicken farmers no longer control their birds.
A company like Tyson owns the birds from the day they're dropped off until the day that they're slaughtered.
Let me go to the top.
- This is the Chicken-- - National Chicken Council.
The chicken industry has really set a model for the integration of production, processing and marketing of the products that other industries are now following because they see that we have achieved tremendous economies.
In a way, we're not producing chickens; we're producing food.
It's all highly mechanized.
So all the birds coming off those farms have to be almost exactly the same size.
What the system of intensive production accomplishes is to produce a lot of food on a small amount of land at a very affordable price.
Now somebody explain to me what's wrong with that.
Smells like money to me.
sit here.
And Chuck's son has four over the top of this hill.
The chicken industry came in here and it's helped this whole community out.
Here's my chicken houses here.
I have about What do you want?
We have a contract with Tyson.
They've been growing chickens for many many years.