阿甘正传 Forrest Gump Movie Script


美国1994年汤姆·汉克斯主演电影《阿甘正传》是由罗伯特·泽米吉斯执导的电影,由汤姆·汉克斯、罗宾·怀特等人主演,于1994年7月6日在美国上映。电影上映后,于1995年获得奥斯卡最佳影片奖、最佳男主角奖、最佳导演奖等6项大奖。 Slow-witted Forrest Gump (Tom Hanks) has never thought of himself as disadvantaged, and thanks to his supportive mother (Sally Field), he leads anything but a restricted life. Whether dominating on the gridiron as a college football star, fighting in Vietnam or captaining a shrimp boat, Forrest inspires people with his childlike optimism. But one person Forrest cares about most may be the most difficult to save -- his childhood love, the sweet but troubled Jenny (Robin Wright). EXT. A SAVANNAH STREET - DAY (1981) A feather floats through the air. The falling feather. A city, Savannah, is revealed in the background. The feather floats down toward the city below. The feather drops down toward the street below, as people walk past and cars drive by, and nearly lands on a man's shoulder. He walks across the street, causing the feather to be whisked back on its journey.

FORREST (V.O.) Some years later, that nice young man from England was on his way home to see his little boy and was signing some autographs. For no particular reason at all, somebody shot him.
EXT. STUDIO - LATER A guard lets Forrest out a side entrance door. Forrest steps, an then stops as he hears s man sitting in a wheelchair speak to him.
LT. DAN They gave you the Congressional Medal of Honor.
Now that's Lieutenant Dan. Lieutenant Dan! Forrest looks at Lt. Dan. He is a dirty with long hair.
LT. DAN They gave you the Congressional Medal of Honor!
Yes sir, they sure did.
LT. DAN They gave you an imbecile, a moron who goes on television and makes a fool out himself in front of the whole damn country, the Congressional Medal of Honor.
Yes, sir.
LT. DAN Well, then, that's just perfect! Yeah, well I just got one thing to say to that. Goddamn bless America.
Lt. Dan's wheelchair begins to slide down the ramp and spins around on the icy ground. Forrest looks down at Lt. Dan crashes at the bottom of the ramp.
Lieutenant Dan! EXT. NEW YORK CITY STREETS - NIGHT Taxi cabs crowd the street as Forrest pushes Lt. Dan along the sidewalk.
FORREST (V.O.) Lieutenant Dan said he was living in a hotel. And because he didn't have no legs, he spent most of his time exercising his arms.
LT. DAN Take a right, take a right.
A taxi driver honks his horn as Forrest wheels Lt. Dan out in front of the taxi.
TAXI DRIVER #1 Hey! Come on already! LT. DAN Ah!
What are you doing here in New York, Lieutenant Dan?
LT. DAN I'm living off the government tit.
Sucking it dry.
A taxi skids to a stop, almost hitting them as they cross the street. The taxi honks at Lt. Dan. Lt. Dan slaps the bumper of the taxi.
LT. DAN Hey! Hey! Hey! Are you blind? I'm walking here! Ah, get out... TAXI DRIVER #2 Why don't you go home before you kill yourself? Get out of the way! LT. DAN Come on, go! Go! Go! EXT. LT. DAN'S HOTEL ROOM - LATER A Bob Hope Christmas special in Vietnam on television. Lt.
Dan and Forrest watch the television.
FORREST (V.O.) I stayed with Lieutenant Dan and celebrated the holidays.
You have a great year and hurry home.
God bless you.
LT. DAN Have you found Jesus yet, Gump?