Free Willy: Escape from Pirate's Cove Movie Script



The pots are filling up.
Ah. Now you're talking.
Gee, sounds like it's raining in here.
- Because it is.
- Yeah.
More water for your swimming pool, Engelbert.
[KIRRA GIGGLES] Good night, Engelbert.
Sleep tight.
Good night.
[ANIMAL SNORTS] Look at you.
Wow. Oh, my gosh.
Whoa! How did he get in here?
He must've washed over this wall.
- And now he's trapped.
Wow. Look at his teeth.
- Do you think he bites?
- No, not people.
They're as friendly as dolphins.
And anyway, he's just a baby.
If Gus sees him, it's all over.
What do you mean?
You know those cartoons when the characters see dollar signs in their eyeballs?
Ka-ching, ka-ching.
You're right.