Free Willy: Escape from Pirate's Cove Movie Script



How long do you think you're gonna keep him in there, you know?
Before some storm or high tide washes him out over the lagoon barrier?
Where you gonna keep him?
I'll build an aquarium, expand my operation.
Some kind of a marine-aquarium thing.
I was thinking of doing the same.
Come on, Gus.
You haven't got the resources for that.
Gus, I am dealing you a good hand here.
Cash in your chips, take the money.
Enjoy your twilight years in style.
I'll think about it.
Don't think too long.
I gotta get started on the aquarium.
I said I'll think about it.
By the way, why did you have to call him Willy?
What's wrong with Willy?
We're finished here.
- Mind if I check out the merchandise?
- Be my guest.
Hi, there. Remember me?
- Does he eat a lot of those fish?
- None of your business.