Free Willy: Escape from Pirate's Cove Movie Script



Because they're gonna come back and kill him?
Those people are experts.
Just because they use big words doesn't mean they're experts.
I'm gonna do it myself.
The killer whale is the largest species of dolphin family.
The name killer whale comes from the voracious- His echolocation clicks.
Echolocation is used by toothed whales to see underwater using sound.
Like he's lost balance in water.
Little is known of the hearing frequencies of killer whales.
Orcas produce three types of vocalizations.
Namely, clicks, moans and whistles.
Mammals of the southern African subregions- Assumed that the species- - We need to get in the water with him.
- We?
Come on.
Here you go.
Here you go. I got a fishy.
Fine, be that way.
I'm not doing this for me, you know?
Nice computer you got here.
Hey. It gets the job done.
Jeez, this information superhighway thing's pretty amazing, huh?
- Thank you.