Free Willy: Escape from Pirate's Cove Movie Script



What I'll do is that I'll have it spout water so high it'll arc that way.
I'll have music playing.
- It'll have a rainbow effect.
No, no rainbows. Mansa, just a nice little spout.
Just, pff, a puff. That's it.
It'll be beautiful.
No, it'll be noon too, and you gotta do your thing.
Can't Sifiso do that?
You know he doesn't fit the costume.
Work with me, Mansa.
Sorry. Thank you.
Hello, children.
I'm the whale crier of the San people.
And we had the ability to beckon whales using horns made of kelp.
- Call them already.
- Yeah, we wanna see some whales.
Come on. [HORN SQUEALING] Did you see that? I saw one.
- Where?
- Where?
That's a bird diving.
Yeah. It saw the spout and wants the whale's leftovers.
Wait, wait.