Good Will Hunting (1997)Movie Script



EXT. COURTHOUSE -- NEXT MORNING Will emerges from the courthouse. Chuckie is waiting for him in the Cadillac with two cups of DUNKIN' DOUGHNUTS coffee.
He hands one of them to Will. This feels routine.
When's the arraignment?
Next week.
Chuckie pulls away.
EXT. M.I.T. CAMPUS, ESTABLISHING SHOT -- MORNING Students walk to class, carrying bags. More than any other, students seem to be heading into one PARTICULAR CLASSROOM.
INT. M.I.T. CLASSROOM -- MORNING The classroom is even more crowded than last we saw it. Tom takes notes as Lambeau plays along with the excited environment with mock pomposity and good humor.
Is it my imagination, or has my class grown considerably?
I look around and see young people who are my students, young people who are not my students as well as some of my colleagues. And by no stretch of my imagination do I think you've all come to hear me lecture.
More laughter.
But rather to ascertain the identity of who our esteemed "The Tech" has come to call "The Mystery Math Magician."
He holds up the M.I.T. Tech featuring a silhouetted figure, emblazoned with a large, white question mark. The headline reads "Mystery Math Magician strikes again."
Whoever you are, you've solved four of the most difficult theorems I've ever given a class. So without further ado, come forward silent rogue, and receive thy prize.
The class waits in breathless anticipation. A STUDENT shifts his weight in his chair, making a noise.
Well, I'm sorry to disappoint my spectators, but it appears there will be no unmasking here today. I'm going to have to ask those of you not enrolled in the class to make your escape now or, for the next three hours be subjected to the mundities of eigenvectors.
People start to gather their things and go. Lambeau picks up a piece of chalk and starts writing on the board.
However, my colleagues and I have conferred. There is a problem on the board, right now, that took us two years to prove. So let this be said; the gauntlet has been thrown down.
But the faculty have answered the challenge and answered with vigor.
INT. M.I.T. HALLWAY -- NIGHT Lambeau comes out of his office with Tom and locks the door.
As he turns to walk down the hallway, he stops. A faint TICKING SOUND can be heard. He turns and walks down the hall.
Lambeau and Tom come around a corner. His P.O.V. reveals a figure in silhouette blazing through the proof on the chalkboard. There is a mop and a bucket beside him. As Lambeau draws closer, reveal that the figure is Will, in his janitor's uniform. There is a look of intense concentration in his eyes.
Excuse me!
Will looks up, immediately starts to shuffle off.
Oh, I'm sorry.