Google 谷歌招聘原则


因为我们不解雇员工,所以招聘很重要。 招聘中要赛选出那些胶水人,他们这些老好人可以做协调的工作,但是谷歌不需要,因为他们会阻碍项目的进展。可能在谷歌里面的人具备洞察力和自我情绪调节能力,不需要gluepeople高情商的人来多此一举画蛇添足了。

We also didn't wanna hire anybody from what were considered to be lesser universities.
And so we also wanted to hire people who had very high GPAs.
So the constant problem was that somebody was a good employee, who was not from a great university did not have a very good GPA and we will not hire them.
So that was controversial. We've relaxed that a little bit now, but the fact of the matter is it got us to where we were today.
I had learned that there were people who I called glue people.
And glue people are incredibly nice people who sit at interstitial boundaries between groups and they assist in activity.
They are glue and they're very very loyal and People love them and you don't need them at all. Because they were getting in the way, because they slowed everything down.
So I was telling Larry and Sergei this one day.From that moment on, we reviewed every offer packet, literally every one.
And anyone who smelled or looked like a glue person plus the people that Larry and Sergey thought had backgrouds that I liked that they didn't would all be flacked.
And we'd have the huge argument. And every once in a while we've have arguments that were sort of specious.
I remember one argument about a fella who one of the founders did not like his last name because it was too humorous. So you know ,you add a little ,and buy the way, we hired him.
Because we never fire anybody, the hiring decision is crucial.
And the people you hire define the culture whether you like it or not.
So when they started the company said we need to have really smart people.
So they hired a rocket scientist and they hired a medical doctor and they hired a Standord graduate who had been a professional football player.
Because they figured that they wanted normal people who had done something exceptional.
So im my case. I was a pilot, and I had done other things and they said you are okay, you're good enough.
You know, the CEO has to have something besides being a CEO that makes them interesting.
I would go around and I'd say well, what's the special about you.
So another lesson I learned is that you don't hire generic people, you hire people who've had some kind of stress or achievement or whatever.
The best people to hire, by the way are CFOs who've gone bankrupt.
Because boy ,have they been through the war.