希拉里的美国:民主党的秘密历史Hillary's America: The Secret History of the Democratic Party Movie Script


希拉里的美国:民主党的秘密历史;对欧巴马与希拉里的分析很好 但过度宣传共和党稍微有点太偏颇了

People deserve to know what crime was committed that sentenced this man to death.
I ain't got to tell you nothing! Is that a quote, Sheriff McNeil?
He raped a white woman.
- What white woman?
- That white woman.
I ain't forced nothing.
We is friends.
You raped her, boy.
Ain't that right?
Tell him, Margie.
They're gonna kill me! - How long you known him?
- Get her out of here.
- She's been through enough.
- Margie! Tell them! - Get her out of here.
- No, please, Margie! Please! Were there any witnesses? He been tried?
I'm the judge, they're the jury.
- [all shouting indistinctly] - Move! Stay out of the way of the law, or you'll be strung up yourself.
- Ugh! - Get her out of here.
What you're doing is murder, and I'll report this bunch! No! No! ''After stripping Hose of his clothes and chaining him to a tree while some in the crowd plunged knives into the victim's flesh, others watched with unfeigning satisfaction.'' The lesson this teaches, which every Negro should ponder well, is that a Winchester rifle should have a place of honor in every black home and should be used for their protection, which the law refuses to give! We must rise against mob rule, not just from a standpoint of sentiment, nor even so much from a standpoint of justice to a weak race, but from a desire to preserve our American institutions.
The struggle against lynching has the same moral import as the struggle against slavery, for as the Henry Smith lynching showed, both were in league with death and the covenant with hell! She made the remarkable statement that what blacks actually needed was Second Amendment rights.
Throughout the South, when they passed the Black Codes, they put in provisions that if you were black, you couldn't own a gun.
So that means that the KKK rides up into your yard, you don't have anything to defend yourself with.
So the Second Amendment was very important to blacks.
It was something that she championed because she knew that as long as they were unarmed, they would be prey to white racists.
You're saying that early Democratic efforts to have gun control had a racist motive?