希拉里的美国:民主党的秘密历史Hillary's America: The Secret History of the Democratic Party Movie Script


希拉里的美国:民主党的秘密历史;对欧巴马与希拉里的分析很好 但过度宣传共和党稍微有点太偏颇了

They have refused him the ballot, murdered, beaten and outraged him, and have refused him his rights.
[Swain] It didn't make a bit of difference.
Wilson continued segregating the federal government.
[D'Souza] Talk about the 1924 Democratic National Convention.
- You mean the ''Klanbake''?
- Yes.
[Swain] Tens of thousands of Klansmen marched on New York City shouting racist slogans and burning crosses to celebrate the Democratic Party's refusal to condemn the KKK in their platform.
Carol, was the New Deal a radical break with the racist policies of the Democratic past?
[Swain] FDR didn't have the votes to pass the New Deal program, so he promised the Democratic Party that he would block any anti-lynching legislation and he would exclude blacks from most New Deal programs.
White farmers were paid not to grow crops, which meant that many blacks lost their jobs.
So most blacks, if they worked on the land, if they worked as maids, if they were paid in cash, they couldn't get Social Security.
And that continued with the Great Society, right, with Johnson?
Well, Johnson knew he needed the black vote, but, privately... I'm gonna have to bring up the Negro bill again.
Let's face it, our ass is in a crack.
In Texas, there are more Negroes voting now than white people.
These Negroes are getting pretty uppity these days.
And that's a problem for us, since they got something now they never had before... the political pull to back up their uppitiness.
Now, we got to give them a little something just enough to quiet them down, but not enough to make a difference.
Why is this legislation so important to you?
[chuckles] I want to have them n*ggers voting Democratic for the next 200 years.
[laughs] But I need your help and I need your help to do it.
Are you saying that today's Democratic Party continues to use blacks for their political advantage?
Absolutely, that's exactly what I'm saying.
[D'Souza] The Democratic Party has been busted again and again for slavery, for segregation, for racism, but just like any good con artist, they know, - ''Never give up the con. '' - Never give up the con.
- Deny, deny, deny.