希拉里的美国:民主党的秘密历史Hillary's America: The Secret History of the Democratic Party Movie Script


希拉里的美国:民主党的秘密历史;对欧巴马与希拉里的分析很好 但过度宣传共和党稍微有点太偏颇了

They went through the hospitals, and cleaned those guys out.
What happened to Carrie Buck?
Carrie Buck is a tragic, but really important story.
Carrie Buck is this young woman that was supposed to be ''feebleminded.'' They wanted to forcibly sterilize her.
Her case went all the way up to the Supreme Court.
[Carrie crying] [Carrie] No! No! Get off of me! No! - Miss, miss, you need to remain calm.
- Don't touch me! Miss, miss! You need to calm down.
- [crying] - I need assistance. I need assistance! We're gonna need another doctor. Nurse! [nurse] Shh.
[Goldberg] Oliver Wendell Holmes says that it's okay to forcibly sterilize this young woman, who wasn't feebleminded.
She read, she was, you know, perfectly competent.
Certainly didn't deserve to be forcibly sterilized.
And he says in this famous damning line in his opinion, ''Three generations of imbeciles is enough.'' No! Please! - [shouting indistinctly] - All right, deep breaths.
Hang on, just hang on.
[Goldberg] Forcibly sterilized, back in those days, meant something.
It meant holding this woman down, doing these terrible things to her, through the power of the state, simply because the state had this idea of what the population should look like and who should have the right to be able to have children.
Tens of thousands of people across the United States were sterilized.
The opening video of the Democratic Convention in 201 2... ''Government is the one thing we all belong to. '' No, government belongs to us.
We don't belong to it.
We are citizens, not subjects.
You remember the ''Life of Julia'' ad that the Obama administration put out?
Every frame begins with the words, ''Under President Obama, '' Julia gets this kind of scholarship and this kind of loan and this kind of promised job.
The creepiest sentence in modern American political history was when the ''Life of Julia'' ads says, ''Under President Obama, Julia decides to have a child.'' Nowhere in this do you see Julia's family.
There are no parents, there's no husband, there are no friends.
It's just the state, as personified by Barack Obama.
Community, churches, synagogues, family, friends, mediating institutions, as the social scientists call them, that give us a sense of order and place in the world, that's what the role of the state is playing.