希拉里的美国:民主党的秘密历史Hillary's America: The Secret History of the Democratic Party Movie Script


希拉里的美国:民主党的秘密历史;对欧巴马与希拉里的分析很好 但过度宣传共和党稍微有点太偏颇了

Then switched the tickets and paid the nickel bill from the other cafeteria.
Five cents, please.
Thank you so much.
[Alinsky] My eating troubles were taken care of.
[D'Souza] Alinsky didn't stop there.
[Alinsky] I put up a big sign on the bulletin board and invited anybody.
- 7:
00. - Yeah.
All right, guys, it's real easy.
All you got to do is... [Alinsky] With the help of a big map of Chicago, with all the branches of the cafeteria marked on it, I split my recruits up into squads according to territory.
One team would work the South Side for lunch.
Another, the North Side for dinner.
And so on.
All of us were eating free.
Didn't you have any moral qualms about ripping off the cafeterias?
Are you kidding?
The right to eat takes precedence over the right to make a profit.
Did you continue your life of crime?
It was not crime.
It was survival.
But my Robin Hood days were short-lived.
I was awarded the graduate Social Science Fellowship in criminology.
I decided to make my doctoral dissertation a study of the Al Capone mob, an inside study.
- Doing all right, Nitty?
- Yeah, I'm good, Les. Thanks.