希拉里的美国:民主党的秘密历史Hillary's America: The Secret History of the Democratic Party Movie Script


希拉里的美国:民主党的秘密历史;对欧巴马与希拉里的分析很好 但过度宣传共和党稍微有点太偏颇了

Some candidates in this race are resorting to ugly, hateful rhetoric.
[D'Souza] Hateful rhetoric?
The Clintons are hateful people with a hateful history.
Imagine how much worse things could get if these two depraved crooks return to the White House.
[woman] While the storm clouds gather Far across the sea Let us swear allegiance To a land that's free Let us all be grateful For a land so fair As we raise our voices in a solemn prayer God bless America Land that I love Stand beside her and guide her Through the night With a light from above From the mountains to the prairies To the oceans White with foam God bless America My home, sweet home God bless America My home Sweet home [D'Souza] Ida B. Wells believed that God had blessed America.
She'd fought her whole life for freedom.
She died having just written the words..
''eternal vigilance, the price of liberty. '' Once again, the party of Lincoln and Reagan must come to America's rescue.
Not with bullets this time, but with ballots.
They can't take America from us without our consent.
Because of my conviction, I can't vote.
But you can.
Is America still the land of the free and the home of the brave?
Our future depends on how we and you answer that question.
Oh, say, can you see By the dawn's early light What so proudly we hailed At the twilight's last gleaming?
[choir] Whose broad stripes and bright stars Through the perilous fight O'er the ramparts we watched Were so gallantly streaming?
And the rocket's red glare The bombs bursting in air Gave proof through the night That our flag was still there Now it catches the gleam Of the morning's first beam in full glory reflected Now shines in the stream And conquer we must When our cause, it is just And this be our motto in God we trust Oh, say, does that Star-spangled banner yet wave O'er the land of the free And the home Of the Brave Home of the brave I've gotten so sick and tired of listening to What you've got to say I decided I just got to stand up and say so Sick and tired of being sick and tired of Being sick and tired of being treated this way So I've made my choice, gonna raise my voice and say ''it's time for you to pack up and go'' You know who you are, you lying so-and-so And so I'm gonna stand up and say so I'm gonna stand up and say so I'm gonna stand up and say so We're gonna stand up and say so I know you're lyin', 'cause your lips are moving There's no use tryin' 'Cause you've made him prove it My opinion of you it's time that you should pack up and go I'm gonna stand up and say so I'm gonna stand up and say so I'm gonna stand up and say so We're gonna stand up and say so I've gotten sick and tired of you stealing my money To pay for jet airplanes and limousines For crying out loud, you think it's funny You and Bubba living above my means At Chappaqua, living like kings and queens I've gotten so sick and tired of listening to What you've got to say I decided I just got to stand up and say so Sick and tired of being sick and tired of Being sick and tired of being treated this way So I've made my choice, gonna raise my voice and say ''it's time for you to pack up and go'' You know who you are, you lying so-and-so And so I'm gonna stand up and say so I'm gonna stand up and say so I'm gonna stand up and say so We're gonna stand up and say so I'm gonna stand up and say so I'm gonna stand up and say so I'm gonna stand up and say so We're gonna stand up and say so We're gonna stand up and say so We're gonna stand up and say so We're gonna stand up and say so We're gonna stand up and say so So, how will you know when you have become an American?
You'll know when you become a Republican.