I Am a Dad Movie Script


A corrupt detective infiltrates a gang and tries to save his daughter. One day he finds out the heart his daughter would receive as a transplant is from a magician he falsely accused. 一名腐败的侦探潜入一个帮派,试图拯救他的女儿。有一天,他发现女儿将接受的心脏移植手术来自一位他诬陷的魔术师。

- Open the file.
- I will.
- F***!
- Geez!
I didn't steal anything!
Shut up!
F***! Why is there an open blade here?
I'm sorry.
Let me get first-aid.
CALL HISTORY: Detective HAN LEE Gyoung-rok Don't lie. We have record.
Check it then!
What the hell you staring at?
- Why's he here?
- For drinking and vandalism.
Jail the f***ing loser.
- Here.
- Thanks.
I'll send it to print.
Go wait by the printer.
- Aren't we gonna treat the wound?
- I'll take care of it.
It's not printing.
Then where the hell were you?
No one saw you.