I Am a Dad Movie Script


A corrupt detective infiltrates a gang and tries to save his daughter. One day he finds out the heart his daughter would receive as a transplant is from a magician he falsely accused. 一名腐败的侦探潜入一个帮派,试图拯救他的女儿。有一天,他发现女儿将接受的心脏移植手术来自一位他诬陷的魔术师。

Just you and me.
Why me?
I told you many times it wasn't me.
The witness saw you.
There's evidence it's you.
Good. Jump off!
We wouldn't even have to go to trial then.
Mr. NAH!
- I'll request reinvestigation.
- Go downstairs, god damn it!
Please come down, Mr. NAH!
Get downstairs!
You wanna jump down, or walk down in cuffs?
How many times did I tell you?
If you're that desperate, you bring the suspect yourself.
Or jump.
Jump! Why can't you jump?
Jump off!
You're a magician.
Then I guess you won't die, will you?
F***! That was close.
Come here.
You're under arrest for threatened murder of detective And obstruction of public duty.
Here's the money.