I don't care about who is doing better than me


I don't care who is doing better than me, because the truth is I'm not in competition with anyone else.
The only people that I need to be better than is the person I was yesterday.
Last year I was different, I've grown, improved and learned a lot. That's what really matters. It's me versus me.
Every day I wake up ready to push up myself further, to challenge my limits and become the best version of myself.
I don't let other people's success makes me feel small. Their journey is theirs and mine is mine.
Instead of looking at what other's achieved, I focus on where I've come from and I'm proud of my progress. It's about showing up for myself.
Staying consistent and building my future one step at a time. So focus on your own journey and celebrate your won wins, no matter how small.
In the end the only competition that matters is with yourself.
Keep growing and keep pushing. Because you are your only true rival.