

A little weekly update to keep myself on track, accountable + good to have an overview of the things I have done in a week. Maybe someone finds it interesting as well. I would say MVP is ready! You can create your community page Integrate your Stripe Create products (one-time payments), memberships (one-time or subscription) Views for members, purchases, dashboard How did this week go: I was going too fast in the beginning so I had to come back and normalize database tables Lesson: when it comes to modelling data, take your time, think things through. Make diagrams, notes whatever necessary to see the whole picture I felt .. optimal. I didn't waste too much time tinkering with "cool techy stuff". Something that I did quite often when I started with building side projects. You have to wear your manager hat real tight to get things done I also implemented a way to write articles (very manual), so I can start doing blog posts/ articles/ guides etc It's slowly taking shape and coming together as a community membership platform for creators to monetize their work; Like a Patreon - Gumroad - KoFi - BuyMeACoffee combo. Coming week I plan on keeping it soft - less developing, more marketing, and research. Writing a few articles, just to have some links on the landing page Through which I can educate how to use this platform for creators to make money with SEO wouldn't hurt either, planting seeds early Engage with creators more I've already gotten many good ideas to implement Back to drawing board with content delivery though (which I have no support of, yet - maybe never) If you are interested in more frequent (usually daily + rant) updates, follow me on Twitter: tjmakingof Would love to connect with like-minded builders! How has your week been?

I couldn't resist the opportunity to meet a real live celebrity.
celebrity 美/səˈlebrəti/ 名人。
She dislikes the loss of privacy that attends TV celebrity.