侏罗纪公园3 Jurassic Park 3 (2001) Movie Script


《侏罗纪公园3》是一部于2001年上映的美国科幻冒险片,是《侏罗纪公园》系列的第三部作品,也是该系列中唯一一部既不是由斯蒂芬·斯皮尔伯格导演,亦非根据迈克尔·克莱顿所著小说改编的电影,不过片中有部分场景来源于克莱顿的原著小说《侏罗纪公园》和《失落的世界》。 由乔·庄斯顿执导,山姆·尼尔、威廉姆·H·梅西、劳拉·邓恩、蒂娅·里欧妮等联袂出演,于2001年7月18日在美国上映。 Dr. Alan Grant is now a happy man with the previous incidents of Jurassic Park now behind him. Grant is that happy that he announce in public, that nothing on Earth can persuade him back onto the islands. Maybe nothing, except Paul Kirby. Kirby and his wife, Amanda want a plane to fly them over Isla Sorna, with Dr. Grant as their guide. But not everything Kirby says is true. When the plane lands, Dr. Grant realizes that there is another reason why they are there, that he doesn't know of. Now, Dr. Grant is stuck on an island he has never been on before, with what was a plane journey now turned into a search party.

Eric lands right on top of a pile of dinosaur bones picked clean. Mixed among is one human skull.
Before Eric has time to cry out, he looks up to find SIX PTERANODON HATCHLINGS closing in on him with sharp-edged beaks.
He picks up the human skull and whips it to the hatchlings.
They easily duck it and keep coming.
76EXT. OBSERVATION ROOM - CONTINUOUS DAY76 Grant looks up to see Billy leaning out over the edge of the observation platform. He suddenly realizes what Billy is about to do.
Billy SHOUTS BACK, an excited-terrified grin on his face.
Billy jumps off the railing and DROPS TOWARDS THE CANYON BELOW.
Grant, Paul and Amanda watch as Billy FALLS past them like a stone, plummeting towards certain death. But then -- THE PARASAIL CHUTE blossoms above him.
Not only does it slows Billy's descent, but he even manages to catch an updraft and begin to rise.
He struggles to control the parasail, swooping dangerously close to the canyon wall, barely avoiding it.
Up ahead he catches sight of Eric and steers towards him.
77-80OMIT77-80 81EXT. PTERANODON NEST - DAY81 Eric struggles to keep away from the hatchlings. But there's no way out of this nest.
Billy SWOOPS overhead, but he's too high to reach Eric.
He circles around to make another attempt.
82EXT. ENCLOSED CATWAY - DAY82 Paul rounds the corner and finally catches sight of Eric in the nest, some fifty feet below, fighting off the hatchlings.
Hang on, Eric!
Paul sees an outcropping he could jump onto from here. It's a big leap, though, he might not make it. He steels himself up for the jump, then chickens out.
Grant and Amanda come up behind him. Suddenly, A SECOND PTERANODON CRASH LANDS on the catwalk enclosure about them -- right next to a gaping hole in the mesh. The catwalk GROANS with the extra weight.
The pteranodon JAMS its head through the hole, SNAPPING at them.
83EXT. CANYON - IN THE AIR - DAY83 Billy circles, making his approach.