侏罗纪公园3 Jurassic Park 3 (2001) Movie Script


《侏罗纪公园3》是一部于2001年上映的美国科幻冒险片,是《侏罗纪公园》系列的第三部作品,也是该系列中唯一一部既不是由斯蒂芬·斯皮尔伯格导演,亦非根据迈克尔·克莱顿所著小说改编的电影,不过片中有部分场景来源于克莱顿的原著小说《侏罗纪公园》和《失落的世界》。 由乔·庄斯顿执导,山姆·尼尔、威廉姆·H·梅西、劳拉·邓恩、蒂娅·里欧妮等联袂出演,于2001年7月18日在美国上映。 Dr. Alan Grant is now a happy man with the previous incidents of Jurassic Park now behind him. Grant is that happy that he announce in public, that nothing on Earth can persuade him back onto the islands. Maybe nothing, except Paul Kirby. Kirby and his wife, Amanda want a plane to fly them over Isla Sorna, with Dr. Grant as their guide. But not everything Kirby says is true. When the plane lands, Dr. Grant realizes that there is another reason why they are there, that he doesn't know of. Now, Dr. Grant is stuck on an island he has never been on before, with what was a plane journey now turned into a search party.

I should have tried. It should have been me on that beach back there, not Billy.
How would you have helped Eric?
(he can't answer) He needs you, Paul. He needs us.
He could have died.
But he didn't. And neither did you. And I'm glad about that.
99AUP ON THE BOW99A Grant is beside Eric, keeping watch, but also feeling the weight of Billy's death.
Do you have any kids?
No. Although I've studied them in the wild.
Eric looks over, not sure what that means.
GRANT (CON'T) I have a theory that there's two kinds of boys. Those who want to be astronomers and those who want to be astronauts.
I want to be an astronaut.
See, I was the opposite. I never understood why anyone would want to go into space. It's so dangerous. You do one thing wrong and you're dead. The astronomer -- or the paleontologist -- get to study these amazing things from a place of complete safety. And truthfully, everything you really need to learn, you can learn it from the ground.
But then you never get to go in space.
Exactly. The difference between imagining how things might be and seeing how they really are. To be able to touch them. That's what Billy wanted to do.
The barge starts to round a bend. On the bow, Grant and Eric are the fist to see something remarkable. Eric GASPS, unprepared. We don't know yet what they see.
GRANT (cont'd) I can blame the people who made this island.
But I can't blame the people who want to see it. To study it.
At the rear of the barge, Paul just now sees what's ahead. Awe- struck, he slows the motor and motions for Amanda to take a look. And so do we.
The setting sun illuminates an incredible valley filled with dinosaurs. We see armored ANKYLOSAURS with clubbed tails. Duck-billed CORYTHOSAURS. We float under the gigantic, arching necks of eighty-foot BRACHIOSAURS.
With the mist from the river and the play of light, we're witnessing a kind of primal Eden.
GRANT (cont'd) How's a boy suppose to resist this?
100EXT. FURTHER DOWNSTREAM - NIGHT100 A FULL MOON passes behind clouds. THUNDER quietly rumbles, and LIGHTNING flickers in the distance.
Paul is still at the wheel. The river is narrower here, and cautions must be taken to avoid the banks.
As the barge begins to round another bend. a FAMILIAR HIGH- PITCHED SOUND pierces the darkness. Muffled but unmistakable, it is the RINGING SAT-PHONE.
All exchange looks of sheer PANIC, expecting Spinosaurus to leap out at any moment. Grant scans the river banks.