侏罗纪公园3 Jurassic Park 3 (2001) Movie Script


《侏罗纪公园3》是一部于2001年上映的美国科幻冒险片,是《侏罗纪公园》系列的第三部作品,也是该系列中唯一一部既不是由斯蒂芬·斯皮尔伯格导演,亦非根据迈克尔·克莱顿所著小说改编的电影,不过片中有部分场景来源于克莱顿的原著小说《侏罗纪公园》和《失落的世界》。 由乔·庄斯顿执导,山姆·尼尔、威廉姆·H·梅西、劳拉·邓恩、蒂娅·里欧妮等联袂出演,于2001年7月18日在美国上映。 Dr. Alan Grant is now a happy man with the previous incidents of Jurassic Park now behind him. Grant is that happy that he announce in public, that nothing on Earth can persuade him back onto the islands. Maybe nothing, except Paul Kirby. Kirby and his wife, Amanda want a plane to fly them over Isla Sorna, with Dr. Grant as their guide. But not everything Kirby says is true. When the plane lands, Dr. Grant realizes that there is another reason why they are there, that he doesn't know of. Now, Dr. Grant is stuck on an island he has never been on before, with what was a plane journey now turned into a search party.

Then, suddenly, the raptor looks up. We follow its gaze. The top of their triangular enclose is wide open.
The eager raptor climbs up the chain-like door. Catching the tail of an idea, Amanda grabs the door and nods to the others.
They push hard on the cage door, swinging it and the raptor right through the opening of the cage.
Now the raptor is trapped in a small triangular space, the door going right to the ceiling.
Amanda slides the door's bolt through the chain like wall, temporarily trapping the dinosaur.
The raptor struggles desperately, GRAWLING AND SNARLING, but the cage door seems to be holding.
As everyone rushes back to the door.
The raptor begins to make a LOW, HAUNTING MOAN.
As the others head for the door, Grant lingers a step, listening to the beast's simple melodic cry. It has the same tones as came from the model resonating chamber.
She's calling for help.
60EXT. COMPOUND - DAY60 The group exits the rear of the lab building and finds itself in a large equipment yard. The CALL of the raptor is still audible as they head for the tree line.
Now they moan is ANSWERED from distant jungle quarters.
The responses quickly MULTIPLY. To the group's dismay, they soon find themselves virtually SURROUNDED by raptor CRIES both distant and near.
Grant looks around with amazement. It's vindication of his theory on raptor communication, but it couldn't come at a worse time.
Responding to the growls, a herd of grazing HADROSAURS suddenly flees across the open space. Then, in the distance behind the herd A PACK OF RAPTORS emerges from the jungles, coming their way.
Head for the trees!
From the lab building, the raptor we left imprisoned now BURSTS out one of the doors and HOWLS to the pack -- the same cry we heard in the lab.
The raptor pack moves into the hunting formation. One ALPHA-MALE RAPTOR. slightly larger than the others, leads the charge up the middle.
Grant risks a looks back. But doesn't stop running.
GRANT (cont'd) THIS WAY!
In an effort to escape the oncoming raptors, Grant leads the group right into the stampeding heard of hadrosaurs.
Suddenly, all is chaos. Hadrosaurs race past, splitting up the group.
Letting the others get ahead of him, Grant looks back. Much to his dismay, the raptors are ignoring the hadrosaurs.
Indeed, the pack weaves its way through the herd -- the raptors only want them.