侏罗纪公园 1 Jurassic Park (1993) Movie Script


哈蒙德(理查德•阿滕伯勒 Richard Attenborough 饰)立志要建立一个非同寻常的公园:恐龙将是这个公园的主角。他把众多科学家收归旗下,利用琥珀里面困住的远古蚊子体内的血液,提取出恐龙的基因信息,利用这些信息培育繁殖恐龙。结果如愿以偿,他把怒布拉岛建立成了一个恐龙公园,坚信可以从中赚取大钱。然而,科学家们则忧心忡忡。   不幸的事情果然发生了。虽然公园有电脑系统管理,但却因为被员工破坏而造成了无法挽救的失控:所有的恐龙逃出了控制区,人们纷纷逃窜却逃不过恐龙的魔爪。恐龙自相残杀,人们亦死难无数,最后幸存者寥寥,只得四人逃出生天。怒布拉岛上空弥漫着恐怖的气息。

He secures the winch and starts across the road, back up the embankment. He freezes, as he feels something behind him. He turns around slowly and sees: A dilophosaur. It stands only about four feet high, its spotted like an owl, and has a brilliant colored crest that flanks its head.
It doesn't look very dangerous. In fact, it's kind of cute.
NEDRY (cont'd) Oh. Uh - - nice boy. Nice boy. Okay. Run along. I don't have anything for you! Go on! Go home! Dinner time! Are you hungry? They'll feed you! Go, boy.
Girl. Whatever.
The dilophosaur just stares at Nedry, tilting its head curiously. Nedry looks around on the ground and finds a stick. He picks it up and chucks it at the thing. He throws it as far as he can.
NEDRY (cont'd) Nice juicy stick! Fetch!
The dilophosaur gets into the spirit of the game, but not the object.
NEDRY (cont'd) Lame brain! What's the matter with you?
(or) What's the matter with you?
He shakes his head and starts back towards the jeep, muttering to himself.
NEDRY (cont'd) Walnut brain...extinct kangaroo...hope I run over you on the way down - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -??-OR-??- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - NEDRY (cont'd) Walnut brain...extinct kangaroo...hope I run over you on the way down - - He's near the top when the dilophosaur suddenly hops out right in front him, startling him. Nedry loses his balance and falls back, right on his rear. He gets to his feet, angry.
NEDRY (cont'd) I said - - He picks up a stick and chucks it at the thing.
NEDRY (cont'd) - - beat it!
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - NEDRY (cont'd) What are you do - - The animals HISSES. The brightly colored fan around its neck flares wildly, two bulbous sacs on either side of its neck inflate. It rears its head back again - - - - and it SPITS.
SPLAT! A big glob of something wet SMACKS into the middle of Nedry's chest. He reaches down and touches the goo that's dribbling down his slicker.
NEDRY (cont'd) That's disgusting!
SPLAT! Another glob of goo SMACKS into the highlight, right next to Nedry's head.
He stands up. A look of confusion crosses his face. He lifts his right hand, the one that he touched the spit with, and looks at it strangely, flexing it.
POW! This time the lugie hits Nedry right smack in the face.
He SCREAMS and rubs it away, frantically.
Because it hurts. Like hell. Nedry falls back, clawing at this eyes, in excruciating pain. He pulls his hands away, starting to hyperventilate. He flails his arms in front of him, blinking a mile a minute, but blinded.
He staggers forward, to try to get into the jeep. He gets the door open, but SMACKS his head on the door frame and collapses.
The can of shaving cream flies out of Nedry's jacket pocket - - and tumbles into runoff water, down the muddy hillside. Nedry gets to his feet again and staggers in the general direction of the jeep. He reaches the open door and feels his way in. He SLAMS the door.
There is another HOOT. From inside the jeep.
Nedry turns and SCREAMS. The dilophosaur is right there, in the passengers seat. It HISSES louder than before, its crest fans angrily, vibrating, reaching a crescendo - - - - and the thing pounces, SLAMMING Nedry back against the driver's window, SHATTERING it. As Nedry shrieks - - Rain and mud wash over the shaving cream can, burying it.