侏罗纪公园 1 Jurassic Park (1993) Movie Script


哈蒙德(理查德•阿滕伯勒 Richard Attenborough 饰)立志要建立一个非同寻常的公园:恐龙将是这个公园的主角。他把众多科学家收归旗下,利用琥珀里面困住的远古蚊子体内的血液,提取出恐龙的基因信息,利用这些信息培育繁殖恐龙。结果如愿以偿,他把怒布拉岛建立成了一个恐龙公园,坚信可以从中赚取大钱。然而,科学家们则忧心忡忡。   不幸的事情果然发生了。虽然公园有电脑系统管理,但却因为被员工破坏而造成了无法挽救的失控:所有的恐龙逃出了控制区,人们纷纷逃窜却逃不过恐龙的魔爪。恐龙自相残杀,人们亦死难无数,最后幸存者寥寥,只得四人逃出生天。怒布拉岛上空弥漫着恐怖的气息。

Maybe -- it's hard to say.
Liar! You said you wouldn't leave!
I'm trying to use psychology to get you out of the drain, you know!
She just stares at him like he's nuts. Tim shakes his head at Grant, as if to say "nice try." Grant calms his tone.
- - - - - VERSION 1 - - - - - GRANT (cont'd) We can't go back the way we came. What we have is a free-range T-rex on the road. There's (there are) fences on either side. If we meet him between here and the lodge, we'd have problems. But what this means, what this means, is that this whole paddock is empty.
It's safe.
It's safe?
It's safe.
It's safe.
Go (and) that's the way we're going to go. What do you say?
- - - - - END - - - - - - - - - - VERSION 2 - - - - - GRANT (cont'd) Alright. We're just going to walk back home. Together.
We walks over to Lex at the culvert and sits across from her.
GRANT (cont'd) But we can't walk back on the road. There are fences on either side. And if we meet the Rex between here and the lodge we'd -- have problems.
Lex covers her ears. Grant tries to calm her.
He's probably staked out the road as a feeding ground, which means this whole paddock is empty. It's safe.
It's safe, and that's the way we're going to go. What do you say?
- - - - - END - - - - - He's spoken calmly and confidently, so Lex crawls out of the culvert and stands next to him.
Good girl.
He kisses her hand and helps her crawl out of the culvert.
Tim and Lex nod, and he starts off in the direction he indicated. They trail behind him.
GRANT (cont'd) Might be kind of slow, but it can't be more than three or four miles. I'd hoped the rex finished feeding by now, but let's not kid ourselves. Did you know a carnivore can eat up to 25% of its body weight in (about) one sitting, so he's probably just ready to move on to the main course by now -- He stops in the middle of the sentence, noticing he's alone. He turns around. Now both kids have scampered all the way back into the culvert, terrified.
86EXTPARK ROADNIGHT MULDOON and ELLIE race down the park road in an open-topped jeep like the one Nedry took earlier. Neither of them speak, they just stare ahead grimly, wondering what they're about to find.
There they are!
They round a corner and come to the top of the hill, where the attack took place. The jeep skids to a stop and they jump out.