侏罗纪公园 1 Jurassic Park (1993) Movie Script


哈蒙德(理查德•阿滕伯勒 Richard Attenborough 饰)立志要建立一个非同寻常的公园:恐龙将是这个公园的主角。他把众多科学家收归旗下,利用琥珀里面困住的远古蚊子体内的血液,提取出恐龙的基因信息,利用这些信息培育繁殖恐龙。结果如愿以偿,他把怒布拉岛建立成了一个恐龙公园,坚信可以从中赚取大钱。然而,科学家们则忧心忡忡。   不幸的事情果然发生了。虽然公园有电脑系统管理,但却因为被员工破坏而造成了无法挽救的失控:所有的恐龙逃出了控制区,人们纷纷逃窜却逃不过恐龙的魔爪。恐龙自相残杀,人们亦死难无数,最后幸存者寥寥,只得四人逃出生天。怒布拉岛上空弥漫着恐怖的气息。

Uh - -
Listen, which of you knows how to handle a gun?
Arnold, who can't quite understand this, races over to the main monitor
(joyously) HAH! It's okay! It's okay! Look! See that?! LOOK!
They stare at the monitor, which glows with a faint amber light, the only mechanical thing in the room that's on. The left hand corner of the screen displays two words - - /system ready.
Arnold looks at them, his face triumphant.
ARNOLD (cont'd) It's on! It worked!
That will teach you to trust Grandpa.
Wait a minute? What do you mean "worked"? Everything is still off!
The shutdown must have tripped the circuit breakers.
All we have to do is turn them back on, reboot a few systems in here - - the phones, security doors, half a dozen others - - but it worked! System ready!
Where are the breakers?
Out in the maintenance shed. Other side of the compound. I'll go out there. Three minutes, and I can have the power back on in the entire park.
Just to be safe, I'd like to have everybody in the emergency bunker until Mr. Arnold returns, and the whole system is back on its feet again.
A99EXTCOMPOUNDDAY MULDOON and ELLIE carry a Gerry rigged stretcher with MALCOLM on it down a narrow path in the compound. HAMMOND is with them.
96DEXTPARK GROUNDSDAY GRANT, TIM, and LEX walk through the park grounds, heading across a relatively open area. Grant consults the map.
TIM & LEX I'm tired, and I'm hungry. When I get back I'm gonna have peanuts and...etc.
The visitor's center should be just about a mile beyond that rise. If we keep - - The ANIMAL CRY they heard earlier is closer now, louder, and repeated by many more animals. Grant looks up.
GRANT (cont'd) What is that? Can you tell me what they are?
He turns around, to face the direction the sound is coming from.
He squints. The ANIMAL CRY are much louder now, accompanied by a low rumble.
TIM (cont'd) Here - - they're flocking this way.
Grant takes a few steps forward. As he watches, he can make out shapes in the distance.
Dinosaurs. Dozens of them. All at once, he figures it out.