侏罗纪公园 1 Jurassic Park (1993) Movie Script


哈蒙德(理查德•阿滕伯勒 Richard Attenborough 饰)立志要建立一个非同寻常的公园:恐龙将是这个公园的主角。他把众多科学家收归旗下,利用琥珀里面困住的远古蚊子体内的血液,提取出恐龙的基因信息,利用这些信息培育繁殖恐龙。结果如愿以偿,他把怒布拉岛建立成了一个恐龙公园,坚信可以从中赚取大钱。然而,科学家们则忧心忡忡。   不幸的事情果然发生了。虽然公园有电脑系统管理,但却因为被员工破坏而造成了无法挽救的失控:所有的恐龙逃出了控制区,人们纷纷逃窜却逃不过恐龙的魔爪。恐龙自相残杀,人们亦死难无数,最后幸存者寥寥,只得四人逃出生天。怒布拉岛上空弥漫着恐怖的气息。

The lights are going on in rows, coming closer and closer to her. Finally, her row comes on. She follows the light and sees - - - - a raptor, right there, behind the control panel! It SLASHES, taking a lunging sweep at Ellie, but gets stuck, its feet and legs tangled in the maze of pipes on the floor.
This is our first good look at one of these things, and if it weren't so terrifying, we could admit that it truly is a thing of beauty. It's the biggest of the raptors, intensely muscled, coordinated as hell, a smoothly designed predator.
Ellie SHOUTS and falls back into the pipes on the other side of the aisle.
The raptor untangles itself from the pipes and gives chase, just as Ellie SLAMS the mesh door closed. The raptor BANGS against the mesh door, Ellie falls to the ground.
She holds on by kicking the door shut as the raptor continues to push himself through the door. Ellie is able to get the door closed.
She stands, but then falls back onto one of the walls.
A dead arm falls onto her shoulder. RAY ARNOLD is there, or what's left of him, stuck in the tangle of pipes. Ellie moves away, and his arm falls to the ground.
She doesn't realize that she has moved right back near the mesh wall - - and the raptor comes at her again. Ellie takes off running as fast as she can, back the way she came. She drags the flashlight with her, running over the dead arm and Arnold's legs.
She continues to run, her headset dangling, the flashlight dragging behind her on its cord.
She reaches the stairs and hits them hard, flying up them. The raptor must be right behind her, she can hear the CLICKING and CLANGING as it scrambles up the stairs, but she doesn't look back.
She reaches the top, throws open the door, hurls herself outside - - 121EXTSHEDDAY - - and SLAMS the door behind her, just as the raptor's head SNARLS at her from near the top of the stairs. She runs out the fence and collapses.
A121EXTJUNGLEDAY TIM is still unmoving. GRANT is performing CPR, alternately compressing Timmy's chest fifteen times, quickly, and breathing into his mouth twice.
LEX is freaking out.
Fifteen compressions. Two deep breaths.
C'mon, Tim.
Fifteen compressions. Two deep breaths.
Fifteen compress- - Tim GASPS and comes to.
GRANT (cont'd) Good boy, Tim. Good boy.
Three. (Two, three).
B121EXTJUNGLEDAY ROBERT MULDOON creeps slowly through the jungle foliage, tracking his prey. He ducks and walks through a hollow log, underneath a fallen tree, following the RUSTLING sound up ahead of him.
He can see just a trace of the raptor's gray flesh as it movies behind the bushes up ahead, staying camouflaged enough to deny him a decent shot. Thinking he's got a moment, Muldoon extends the back handle of the gun and clicks it into place. He prepares to take aim.
A snake slithers across a tree branch, past what looks like the large iris of a flower.
The flower blinks.
It's the eye of the raptor. Muldoon sees it. He raises his gun.