侏罗纪公园 1 Jurassic Park (1993) Movie Script

杰瑞发布于14 Dec 20:54

哈蒙德(理查德•阿滕伯勒 Richard Attenborough 饰)立志要建立一个非同寻常的公园:恐龙将是这个公园的主角。他把众多科学家收归旗下,利用琥珀里面困住的远古蚊子体内的血液,提取出恐龙的基因信息,利用这些信息培育繁殖恐龙。结果如愿以偿,他把怒布拉岛建立成了一个恐龙公园,坚信可以从中赚取大钱。然而,科学家们则忧心忡忡。   不幸的事情果然发生了。虽然公园有电脑系统管理,但却因为被员工破坏而造成了无法挽救的失控:所有的恐龙逃出了控制区,人们纷纷逃窜却逃不过恐龙的魔爪。恐龙自相残杀,人们亦死难无数,最后幸存者寥寥,只得四人逃出生天。怒布拉岛上空弥漫着恐怖的气息。

Have a heart gentlemen. Their parents are getting a divorce and they need the diversion.
Hey! Where are the brakes?
Brakes? No. No brakes. They're electric cars, guided by this track in the roadway, and totally non-polluting, top of the line!
It's interactive CD-ROM. Look, see - - you just touch the right part of the screen and it talks about whatever you want.
Spared no expense. Have fun. I'll be watching you from the control (or) back in control.
(to Ellie) Come along, my dear. You'll ride in the second car, I can promise you you'll have a real wonderful time.
Oh thank you so much. So you'll see you later then.
Hammond turns and head back towards the Visitor's Center.
(too eagerly; to Grant) I'll ride with Dr. Sattler.
(or) I'm going to ride with Dr. Sattler.
He turns and walks over to Ellie. Grant frowns, not liking this one bit. He moves to follow, but TIM cuts him off, and stares up at him, wide-eyed
I read your book.
Oh, yeah - - great.
Grant heads for the rear car. Tim follows.
You really think dinosaurs turned into birds? And that's where all the dinosaurs went?
Grant opens the door of the rear car and climbs in. Tim follows.
Well, uh, a few species - - may have evolved, uh - - along those lines - - yeah.
A mechanical voice intones from inside:
"Two to four passengers to a car, please. Children under ten must be accompanied by an adult." Tim is right behind Grant, so Grant keeps moving, across the back seat of the car and out the other door. But Tim follows.
Because they sure don't look like birds to me. I heard a meteor hit the earth and made like this one hundred mile crater someplace down in Mexico - -
Listen, ahh - -
Tim. Which car were you planning on - -
Whichever one you are.
Grant goes to the front car again, opens the rear door, and holds it for Tim, who climbs in the back seat, rattling on and on.