杀死比尔Kill Bill Movie Script


这是一部令人眼花缭乱,绝对能带给您感官刺激的动作电影。一个新娘(乌玛•瑟曼Uma Thurman饰)在自己的婚礼上遭到了暗杀,婚礼瞬间变成了一片狼籍的红色。幸运的是,新娘并没有就此消失,而是在四年后苏醒过来,并且接受了高强度的各种各样的武术训练,开始踏上了自己的复仇之路,在世界各地寻找给自己带来灾难的人。当然,她也遇到了许多阻碍。日本杀手(刘玉玲饰)就是其中之一。   这场红色的复仇之路究竟伸向何处,又有多曲折呢?

Hey, Gerald.
This sh*t ain't no peep show. Go out in the hall and I'll let ya know when it's your turn.
Awww c'mon, I gotta leave the room?
I can't get no errection wit you lookin at me, so go on.
Well, just hurry up then.
Gerald leaves the room; we go out with him in the hallway.
INT. HALLWAY(HOSPITAL) - NIGHT Gerald paces, waiting for his turn behind the door.
THEN... He hears behind the door a commotion, then Warren SCREAM LIKE A B*TCH. He bangs on the closed door and says;
He man, keep it down in there, I can hear your ass out here.
More falsetto SCREAMS behind the door... THEN... The HEAVY THUD of a body falling. Not what the expected.
INT. THE BRIDE'S ROOM - NIGHT Gerald pushes open the door to see one hellva sight. His buddy, bloody and lying motionless on the floor, and The Bride lying haphazardly on the bed, in her coma.
He moves to his buddy, who's dead. Then moves to The comatose Bride... Who SUDDENLY SPRINGS TO LIFE, GRABBING him by the front of his shirt, YANKING HIM DOWN TO HER, and PLUNGING the I.V. NEEDLE in her arm DEEP INTO HIS TEMPLE, THEN TWISTING IT AROUND and AROUND, turning the right side of his brain into scrambled eggs a la The BRIDE.
She tosses the now brain-dead Gerald to the floor.
The BRIDE upon waking, without leaving the bed where she lay the last five years, has just killed two men. She throws off the bloody blankets, whips her legs off the side of the bed, and tries to stand - THEN QUICKLY FALLS OUT OF FRAME. WE HEAR THE CRASH BELOW FRAME.
The Bride is flat on the floor. Her legs and feet don't work.
Which means she's stuck on the floor with only a functioning top half, and a completely useless bottom half. What's a girl to do?
INT. HOSPITAL CORRIDOR - NIGHT The elevator doors open, and The Orderly steps out.
BACK TO The BRIDE She hears the sound of Bill's boots approaching the room... STEP...STEP...STEP... She sees Gerald has a Trucker's knife in a holster attached to his belt. Her hands removes it.
The Orderly swaggers down the hall to The Bride's room, red Reeboks slapping against the smooth floor.
CU The BRIDE She SNAPS the knife's BLADE OPEN in her CU.
The Orderly pushes open The Bride's door, stopping in shock.
The ORDERLY'S POV: He sees an empty bed with bloodstains on it, Two dead Truckers on the floor, and no Bride.
Oh sh*t! WE GO TO SLOW MOTION as he freaks, Then PAN DOWN HIM... Past shirts - pants - to his Reeboks...Once on the floor WE SEE The BRIDE, curled up low next to the doorway, behind his ankles, knife ready. WE GO BACK TO 24 FRAMES A SECOND. He steps into the room; when he does The Bride reaches out and SLASHES both of his Achilles tendons.