这是一部令人眼花缭乱,绝对能带给您感官刺激的动作电影。一个新娘(乌玛•瑟曼Uma Thurman饰)在自己的婚礼上遭到了暗杀,婚礼瞬间变成了一片狼籍的红色。幸运的是,新娘并没有就此消失,而是在四年后苏醒过来,并且接受了高强度的各种各样的武术训练,开始踏上了自己的复仇之路,在世界各地寻找给自己带来灾难的人。当然,她也遇到了许多阻碍。日本杀手(刘玉玲饰)就是其中之一。 这场红色的复仇之路究竟伸向何处,又有多曲折呢?
这是一部令人眼花缭乱,绝对能带给您感官刺激的动作电影。一个新娘(乌玛•瑟曼Uma Thurman饰)在自己的婚礼上遭到了暗杀,婚礼瞬间变成了一片狼籍的红色。幸运的是,新娘并没有就此消失,而是在四年后苏醒过来,并且接受了高强度的各种各样的武术训练,开始踏上了自己的复仇之路,在世界各地寻找给自己带来灾难的人。当然,她也遇到了许多阻碍。日本杀手(刘玉玲饰)就是其中之一。 这场红色的复仇之路究竟伸向何处,又有多曲折呢?
"The DEADLY VIPER ASSASSINATINO SQUAD the D.iV.A.S." The SHOW CAST CREDITS START: WE SEE The BRIDE doing something cool...FREEZE SCREEN GOES ORANGE except for a SCOPE-SIGHT RIFLE GRAPHIC WITH CROSSHAIRS over The Bride's face. OFF TO THE SIDE IS HER IDENTIFYING CREDIT; "Starring (The Bride's real name is covered by a stamp that reads)- ELLE DRIVER:
as CALIFORNIA MOUNTAIN SNAKE" As the DEADLY VIPER ASSASSINATION SQUAD OPENING THEME PLAYS WE SEE VARIOUS SHOTS of The Vipers(all dressed alike in the same BLACK, SKINTIGHT CAT SUITS, except for Budd, the male who wears a BLACK SUIT) all doing exciting sh*t. It ends with the reappearance of the six-heades snake logo, and the six, black silhouettes. THE BRIDE(V.O.) Now after five years of beauty sleep I knew absolutely nothing about my enemies' strengths weakness or whereabouts. But as fated by God vengeance would have it, I who knew nothing - knew one thing. As sure as God made little green apples... WE MOVE FAST TO O-REN ISHII'S SILHOUETTE, The SILHOUETTE BECOMES A POSED PICTURE OF O-REN in all her Deadly Viper glory.- FLASH ON:
CU O-REN(11-years old), hiding under a bed, watching her FATHER(dressed in the uniform of a sergeant for the American Army) fighting THREE YAKUZA GANGSTERS. He kills one with his bare hands. The other two slice him to death with samurai swords and her MOTHER being raped by the same men. When they finish, they SHOOT her. THE BRIDE(V.O.) It was at that age, a half-Chinese, half-Japanese American Army brat witnessed the murder of her Master Sergeant father. And the rape, then murder of her mother at the hands of Japan's most ruthless Yakuza boss, Boss Matsumoto. She swore revenge...luckily for her, Boss Matsumoto was a pedophile. INT. CAR - DAY A Central American General riding backseat of his government vehicle. TWO BEAUTIFUL LATIN WOMEN in one-piece bathing suits sit on either side of him. They both wear sashes down their front; one reads, "Miss Panama," the other reads, "Miss Venezuela." As we cut to this shot, he has both hands on each of their bare knees. He's laughing as the TOP OF HIS HEAD is BLOWN OFF. The 23-YEAR OLD O-REN ISHII stands before Bill and The Bride.(Bill is not clearly viewed.) THE BRIDE(V.O.) At twenty-three she joined Bill's Deadly Vipers... The 25-YEAR-OLD O-REN ISHII BEATING UP the pregnant Bride with the other Vipers... THE BRIDE(V.O.) At twenty five she did her part in the killing of eight innocent people, including my unborn daughter, in a small wedding chapel in El Paso Texas. But on that day, five years ago, she made one big mistake... POSED FIGURE of the BRIDE in all her pre-beating bridal gown glory.