杀死比尔Kill Bill Movie Script


这是一部令人眼花缭乱,绝对能带给您感官刺激的动作电影。一个新娘(乌玛•瑟曼Uma Thurman饰)在自己的婚礼上遭到了暗杀,婚礼瞬间变成了一片狼籍的红色。幸运的是,新娘并没有就此消失,而是在四年后苏醒过来,并且接受了高强度的各种各样的武术训练,开始踏上了自己的复仇之路,在世界各地寻找给自己带来灾难的人。当然,她也遇到了许多阻碍。日本杀手(刘玉玲饰)就是其中之一。   这场红色的复仇之路究竟伸向何处,又有多曲折呢?

THE BRIDE(ENGLISH) (to O-Ren) You know, for a second there, yeah I did.
O-Ren smiles... O-REN(ENGLISH) Silly rabbit... Both O-Ren and the Bride finish the phrase together,... O-REN/THE BRIDE ...Trix Are for kids.
This is something they used to say back when they fought alongside of each other as "Vipers." The seventeen Crazy 88 reinforcements come running into the restaurant and with drawn swords surround The Bride.
As a HEAVY METAL COMBAT BEAT begins to PULSATE ON THE SOUNDTRACK, The Boys and The Bride have a Spaghetti Western Stand-off.
We do a 360 INSIDE the CIRCLE of The Crazy 88, who surround the yellow-haired warrior. Not all have Samurai swords; one JUGGLES TWO HATCHETS, another TWIRLS A THREE-STAFF TRIPLE IRON over his head.
As the Heavy Metal music builds...We Cut to various Shots of The Two Opposing Forces Preparing to Strike....Hands on Sword Handles...Feet finding Combat Stance...etc .Until Heavy Metal reaches its Breaking Point At that point, the Metal EXPLODES OVER THE SOUNDTRACK...IN TIME WITH The BRIDE EXPLODING INTO A VIOLENT KILLING MACHINE ON SCREEN.
As she matches skill with the army of black-suited boys, arms flailing, silver blade Clashing and Slashing, long blonde hair whipping like a whirling dervish. She's a Goddess of War Venus.
Not only is the FIGHT CUT TO THE HEAVY METAL MUSIC, but The Bride seems to be somewhat dancing to it as she fights.
This explosion of furious violence is punctuated CINEMATICALLY BY THE COLOR IN THE FILM POPPING OFF, and the fight being filmed in HIGH CONTRAST BLACK AND WHITE, turning the squirting, spewing geysers of BLOOD FROM CRIMSON RED TO OIL BLACK.
Many members of The Crazy 88 are Sliced, Slashed, and liberated from the limbs they were born with at The Bride's blade.
Some SPECIFIC MOMENTS While Clashing swords, The Bride whips the silver Boomerang out of its holster, and Throws it .It Twirls Through the Air Embedding itself longways in one of the boy's faces.
The Bride does a Mid-Air Somersault over the head of an Attacker, landing solid on her feet behind him...Slash, he's Out.
The Bride is knocked to the floor, her Attacker stands over her to Spear the young blonde, Her Legs Spring Up In The Air, Ankles Lock Around The Boy's Neck.
She throws him down to the ground. With his neck still in the vise-like grip of her ankles, She removes The SOG Knife from its sheath and Plunges it Deep Into The Boy's Chest.
While still on the ground, an Attacker Charges at her.
Yanking the Boomerang out of the Dead Boy's Face, She Sends It Flying in the Charging Man's path Boomerang Twirling Through the Air Close to the Ground Chopping Off the Charging Attacker's Foot in Mid Step, he falls flat.
The Bride jumps up onto an attacker's shoulders. She locks her legs around him so he's helpless at shaking her off.
...she swings down with her sword, and cuts the man's hands off.
So while the helpless man with no hands screams, the now nine foot tall Bride fights with the others.
When she's through she brings the blade across the man she's perched on's throat. He falls to his knees, bringing the Bride back to the floor like an alevator.
As soon as her soles touch ground, she's off his shoulders, somersaulting on the floor, bringing her blade up between an attacker's legs into his groin.
He lets out a scream, as she yanks her blade free.
ONE ATTACKER steps out from the rest, "The Best One." He Twirls his sword expertly, challenging the young woman to, "Come get a piece." The Bride does a screaming charge towards him. Sword raised, The Attacker stands his ground, calm - steady, waiting for the blonde-haired locomotive to collide.....They meet..... SWING - CLASH - DANCE - SEPARATE - SWING - CLASH - SPIN - CLASH - LOCK - TWIRL - SEPARATE - They match each other blow for blow, till one makes a mistake. It's the male. The Bride's swing, that's neither clashed or blocked, slices off his right arm.
...The arm, still gripping the samurai sword, drops to the floor.
The Bride pushes the Hanzo Sword right through the middle of his chest.