杀死比尔Kill Bill Movie Script


这是一部令人眼花缭乱,绝对能带给您感官刺激的动作电影。一个新娘(乌玛•瑟曼Uma Thurman饰)在自己的婚礼上遭到了暗杀,婚礼瞬间变成了一片狼籍的红色。幸运的是,新娘并没有就此消失,而是在四年后苏醒过来,并且接受了高强度的各种各样的武术训练,开始踏上了自己的复仇之路,在世界各地寻找给自己带来灾难的人。当然,她也遇到了许多阻碍。日本杀手(刘玉玲饰)就是其中之一。   这场红色的复仇之路究竟伸向何处,又有多曲折呢?

She walks down the corridor towards The sleeping Bride's room.
CALIFORNIA MOUNTAIN SNAKE" END OF SPLIT SCREEN STAY WITH ELLE'S SIDE INT. THE BRIDE'S HOSPITAL ROOM - NIGHT The Bride, alone in her bed, alone in her coma, alone in her room.
Elle Driver opens the door to her room and steps inside.
The female assassin approaches the comatose woman.
EX CU ELLE DRIVER'S EYE AND WHITE EYE PATCH looking down at her sleeping target, victim, rival, and opposite number.
EX CU The BRIDE'S EYES wide open - blank stare.
Elle standing over The Bride's hospital bed, says to her;
I might never of liked you. Point in fact I despise you. But that doesn't suggest I don't respect you. You were a master of a profession that's most difficult to master.
Dying in our sleep is a luxury our kind is rarely afforded. My gift to you.
As she lifts the syringe off the tray.... Her cell phone RINGS.... She curses to herself...there can be only one person on the other end....she answers it.
Hello, Bill.
(pause) Affirmative.
(pause) Comatose.
(pause) I'm standing over her right now.
(pause) What! The female assassin turns away from the wide-eyed stare of The Bride, and paces the hospital room talking in the cell phone.
Don't f***in ssshhh me! If you think I came all the way down to Texas - in a dog and cat rainstorm no less - just to tuck sleeping beauty in bed - you got another f***in thing comin - (pause, then real loud) You don't owe her Sh*t!! (then again, but quieter) You don't owe her sh*t.
(pause) Man, f*** that b*tch! (pause) Oh you're not are you? Well Bill, you never leave a job half done.
A great teacher taught me that once, he looked a whole lot like you.
Elle pauses as Bill on the other line has his say. We don't hear his side, we stay with Elle as he talks. We can tell by her face, he's making some sense. After awhile she answers back;
I guess.
(pause) No, I don't need to guess, I know.
(pause) Affirmative.
(pause) I love you too, bye bye.
The female assassin puts the phone away and looks down at The comatose Bride with the open eyes. Even though her face is expressionless, she almost seems to be smiling.