杀死比尔Kill Bill Movie Script


这是一部令人眼花缭乱,绝对能带给您感官刺激的动作电影。一个新娘(乌玛•瑟曼Uma Thurman饰)在自己的婚礼上遭到了暗杀,婚礼瞬间变成了一片狼籍的红色。幸运的是,新娘并没有就此消失,而是在四年后苏醒过来,并且接受了高强度的各种各样的武术训练,开始踏上了自己的复仇之路,在世界各地寻找给自己带来灾难的人。当然,她也遇到了许多阻碍。日本杀手(刘玉玲饰)就是其中之一。   这场红色的复仇之路究竟伸向何处,又有多曲折呢?

INT. PRIVATE DINING AREA(RESTAURANT) - NIGHT The private dining area of the Japanese restaurant. The patrons are surrounded by white paper walls. The CAMERA CIRCLES around O-REN ISHII.
Sitting in between her, two personal bodyguards, the Yubari sisters, YUKI AND GO GO. The Yubari sisters are younger than O-Ren; Yuki is sixteen and Go Go is seventeen. Both girls are dressed in Japanese schoolgirl uniforms complete with plaid skirts and matching blazers.
EX CU OF AN EYEBALL(The BRIDE's) On her right is her French and Japanese lawyer, SOFIE FATALE.
EX CU OF AN EYEBALL The bunch of mop-topped young men, who all wear black suits, white shirts, thin black ties and Kato masks over their eyes, are her soldiers, "The CRAZY 88."
EX CU OF AN EAR, The Bride's fingers come into FRAME and move blonde hair out of the sensory appendage's way.
And finally there's a tall dark American in a black suit sans Kato mask -- that's O-Ren's head of security, MR. BARREL.
They're all drinking and having a good time as Sofie tells a joke in Japanese.
THE BRIDE(V.O.) The mop tops in black suits and Kato masks were O-Ren's soldiers, "The Crazy 88." The two young girls in the schoolgirl uniforms are her personal bodyguards, the Yubari sisters. Yuki, aged sixteen, and Go Go, aged seventeen. The pretty lady who's dressed like she's a villain on Star Trek is O-Ren's best friend and her lawyer, Sofie Fatale. And finally, the American in the black suit but sans Kato mask, O-Ren's head of security, Mr. Barrel.
SUDDENLY O-Ren hears something. Like a deer in the forest, her head springs up on alert. It's almost as if she's listening to The Bride's narration.
The Bride's NARRATION SUDDENLY STOPS IN MIDSENTENCE -- O-Ren removes a SMALL DAGGER-DART from the folds of her robe and THROWS IT in the direction of the sound.
CU The BRIDE dressed in a kimono on the other side of the private dining room's paper wall.
The DART FLIES THROUGH The PAPER, STREAKS BY HER FACE, almost taking off the tip of her nose in the process.
DART EMBEDS ITSELF IN A WOOD POST. O-Ren's action instantly brings the room's frivolity to a halt. Mistress Ishii silently orders Go Go and Yuki to retrieve the eavesdropper.
INT. JAPANESE RESTAURANT - NIGHT The white paper door to O-Ren's dining room SLAMS OPEN. Yuki and Go Go step into the corridor.
All trace of the Bride has vanished.
They look out over the restaurant, patrons look normal.
Whoever was there is gone now.
Go Go removes the small dagger from the wood post and the Yubari sisters go back into the private dining room, SLAMMING the door behind them.
CU The BRIDE at the bar, in her kimono, drinking a colorful cocktail. She observes all the activity by O-Ren's private dining room.
When the Yubari sisters go back inside, the Bride climbs off her barstool and goes through the restaurant...into the parking area...and up to her rental car. She opens the door.
Takes off her Japanese kimono, underneath is a one-piece yellow track suit with a black stripe going down both sides, like the one Bruce Lee wears in "Game of Death." She tosses the kimono in the trunk, then removes the sheathed Hanzo sword. With the sword of vengeance in her hand, we follow her back inside the restaurant. She looks upstairs to the O-Ren dining room. We see Yuki Yubari and Sofie Fatale, slide open the door, and walk down the stairs together. When they get to the bottom, they give each other a kiss goodbye, and Yuki leaves the restaurant, while Sofie makes her way to the bathroom...only to have The Bride, now dressed in her Bruce Lee yellow outfit and samurai sword in her hand, bar her way.
between CU's of the two women, face to face.
SOFIE(JAPANESE) (to Bride) Can I help you?
THE BRIDE(JAPANESE) Yes, I am looking for the attorney of O-Ren Ishii, Sofie Fatale. Would that be you?